New breathable waders?



Feb 20, 2007
Meadville, Crawford County
I'm in the market for my first pair of breathable waders. I have $120 to spend $50 of which is a Cabelas gift card. I have looked at the Cabelas Premium Dry-Plus waist highs at $109 and the Frogg Toggs Hellbender waist or chest $100 to $120. I also looked at the LL Been Flyweight II at $60 and spend the $50 Cabelas card on other gear.

I want good dependable waders for the money. Any thoughts?
My advice go with the beans. They'll be crappy and will leak pretty quickly after buying them, but there's always aquaseal and the bean warranty is second to none. Unless you are prepared to drop some decent coin on a pair of simms, patagonia's, etc, then just go with the cheapest that has the best warranty.

I say the above as someone who is on their third pair, in the past 1 and a half years, of beans breathable emergers. Next time they have to go back I'm gonna get the store credit and buy a pair of simms g3's, which bean also sells.

Also, if you go with stocking foot waders you'll also have to buy a pair of wading boots.
We've had this discussion before, and pretty much the conclusion is... all waders leak eventually. Get something with a good warranty (I'd go with the LL Bean also). I got burned with a non warranty wader purchase last year and should have bought stock in goop for all of it I used to fix the leaks. Use your cabela's gift card and buy some tying materials or gear.
I've went through my share of waders. First 2 or 3 pairs of Hodgeman wadelites ($80-100 range), and each lasted almost exactly 1 year, but they were more comfortable than any others I've had. Then the cheapest Orvis pair ($150), which lasted for 2-3 years. Now I have Orvis Silver Labels, and so far, so good.

FWIW, my dad has the Cabelas Dry Plus ones now for I think 4 years now and they haven't yet leaked. Of course, he does a lot less fishing than I do, so I'm not sure what that means.

Jason, 3 pairs in a year in a half? If that is true I can't see how you are recommending them.
pcray1231 wrote:

Jason, 3 pairs in a year in a half? If that is true I can't see how you are recommending them.

Because he's looking for a cheap pair. Since all waders are gonna leak, might as well go with the cheapest with the best warranty.

I also fish a lot and beat the hell out of my waders, so my experience may be unique.
LL bean. that is what I am wearing now.

I did a live chat with a sales rep and asked them about the warranty.

their warranty is 100% Satisfaction. So if you aren't "satisfied" which is an opinion. . . you can send them back for a new pair.

There are really nice as well. I bought the $100 pair stocking foot.

My Waders
I'd go with the best warranty, I honestly thing most of the sub $100 waders come out of the same factory in china, the more expensive ones come out of a fancier factory in china!!
I currently use a pair of hodgeman waist highs, going on 3rd year. very comfy. no matter what kind you get, stay out of the briars!!!!
All I can say is avoid waders with overlapping style seams on the insides of the legs. I've found that such seams rub together while walking and self destruct quickly. I had two pairs of Orvis waders do this to me. Not suprisingly Orvis changed their design on their new models so that this problem is avoided now...

In between the two pairs of Orvis waders I had a pair of Simms that lasted longer than both of the Orvises combined. Better seam design. Higher price too.

PennKev wrote:
All I can say is avoid waders with overlapping style seams on the insides of the legs. I've found that such seams rub together while walking and self destruct quickly. I had two pairs of Orvis waders do this to me. Not suprisingly Orvis changed their design on their new models so that this problem is avoided now...

In between the two pairs of Orvis waders I had a pair of Simms that lasted longer than both of the Orvises combined. Better seam design. Higher price too.


I can confirm and agree with this entire post. Those inner seams bust open pretty quickly. My simms waders are also infinitely better than anything I have ever used, and I will beg borrow or steal a new pair if I can't afford to replace them.
Since all waders are gonna leak, might as well go with the cheapest with the best warranty.

I agree all waders are going to leak, but the question is "how quickly?" A wader should NEVER leak when new, and I never had a pair that did. Seems 3 pairs in a year and a half is a pretty poor track record, nomatter how much you fish. I'm not sayin I have the answer either, my wader's track records were not that good either.
i agree with jay L , buy simms even if it is their lower priced version , if you do alot of brookie brush bustin , well any wader is probably gonna rip , i tore my simms in the jaggers , little aqua seal and a patch , all is good. i think if you have chest waders and fold them down in shallow small stream fishing i think this is hard on waders too (seems rubbing ) as mentioned previously. if youyr waders leak i say give some feedback of how or why they leaked , also state how much you use them.
Thanks as allways for the input! I will have to think this over some more. Maybe I'll find some more money wile I do!! :-D