NEW BOOK: Small Fry: The Lure of the Little



Jun 14, 2007

Hello, folks. The sequel to my 2005 release, Philadelphia on the Fly, is now being serialized online at Global Fly Fisher. The title is Small Fry: The Lure of the Little.

The book, which is basically Pennsylvania on the Fly, is about small waters and small fish. Fans of panfish and small stream smallmouth bass and brook trout should enjoy the words and illustrations.

Here is the press relase and links for you all . .

Philadelphia Author's New Book Continues Regional Focus / Fly Fishing Theme

Philadelphia resident, angler, artist, and author ron P. swegman and European Web editor and designer Martin Joergensen have collaborated on an innovative new online book serialization project. The result is Small Fry: The Lure of the Little -- the first book in the outdoor sports genre to be serialized online.

The virtual sequel to the author's 2005 debut collection of essays, Philadelphia on the Fly, the pieces in Small Fry explore outdoor and environmental themes set primarily in Pennsylvania, New England, and the greater mid-Atlantic region of the United States.

The first chapter -- "The Lure of the Little" -- debuts Monday, June 16th, with a new chapter to be released every two weeks through the end of October. These will be archived and can be downloaded for free at:



-- ron P. swegman


Small Fry (a revised and expanded edition) is now available in paperback at . . .



"The author provides the fly fisher with the necessary knowledge and outlook to find a variety of close to home fishing opportunities....All one has to do is think small. Small waters, small fish in both size and fly rod popularity, but certainly not small in tussle and spunk. This little book will get you into the game and provide you with lots of ideas for getting to fly fish and visit the waterside between those more elaborate and exotic fishing trips. Likewise, the information about tackle is also well designed for thinking small as it comprises a minimalist approach suited to a stroll or bike ride to the water. Overall, the book itself is well written and a pleasure to read. This is a good one to add to your book shelf."

-- Bruce E. Harang, Federation of Fly Fishers Magazine
