New 5 wt line for winter fishing



Active member
Jan 16, 2012
Hi, My T&T 5 wt needs a new fly line. I have a floating fly line on her now, about 10 years old now. I 'll fish nymphs, bugger's, and some times switch to drys if there is a hatch. Old line was a good one, but can't remember the brand other than it's a grey color. Thank's all.
Are you fishing below 32 degrees? The reason I ask is because winter time fishing with rod ice is brutal on lines. Maybe wait till spring? My second question is have you tried a textured line?
Yes I sometimes fish below 32 degrees. I got 10 years out of the old line fishing winters. No I have not tried textured lines. I like fishing in all temps within reason. Some times I use the rod deicer paste . Thank's.
I like Cortland 444 peach and sylk.
I also like orvis gen3 line. Always got great use out of those, though never 10 years

10 years...1 fly line...That's awesome. I'd say you either take really good care of your fly line or you don't fish that much.

I'm averaging 1-2 years per name brand floating fly line.
salvelinusfontinalis wrote:
I like Cortland 444 peach and sylk.

Sylk is especially good for winter fishing, as it stays relatively limber in the cold.
Go with the flo, Airflo that is. They are the most durable lines out there.
Milerstime. I do take very good care of my lines. But this line was only used for 3 to 4 months of winter. and that was maybe 4 to 5 times a month. My other lines that I use a lot more, I get about 2 to 3 years out of them. I clean after every use. Also put conditioner on the evry time. I can't remember the brand but it was an expensive one even back then. Thank's.
I would go with orvis hydros hd(textured) or Rio gold(non textured). I must say I love the textured line, the only draw back is the sound and I got over that real quick. I do use an older line when winter time fishing, I hate banging up brand new lines. I've also never had a line last close to 10 years so maybe I could learn something from you.
Ryan. Thank's . Line wasn't used as much as my other wt lines.
redietz wrote:
ryansheehan wrote:
... the only draw back is the sound...

And the cost.

Got some sa textured lines on close out for dirt cheap, but overall you are correct.
Just visited the orvis site and the hydros hd line is on sale for $79, normally $98.
I want to thank everyone for there input on fly lines. I bought the SA mpx 5 wt. It's suppose to be good in cold weather and turn larger flie's better. Thanks again. :)