Nestle pulls out



Well-known member
Sep 1, 2010
State College
Sent to me via email by Spring Creek TU

From: "Andreus,Eric,Breinigsville,NWNA T&P MID Springs"
Date: April 16, 2018 at 4:30:55 PM EDT
Subject: Nestlé Waters project update

Good afternoon,

Over the past year, Nestlé Waters has revised the process of how we approach sourcing spring water. Guided by our new Siting Framework, we approached the Spring and Benner Township community much earlier in our due diligence process than we typically have in the past. At the same time, we continued to conduct our due diligence and water source evaluation.

We have spent the last few months in the early stages of our thorough scientific review to evaluate whether Spring Township Water Authority Well 2 had the potential to become a water source for our Deer Park® brand. As part of that review, we consider many factors, including the quality and taste of the water, what the science tells us about the hydrogeology and sustainability of the site, the local watershed, the logistics of transporting the product to the market, and much more. Our rigorous process means that we evaluate far more potential sources than we ever decide to use. The majority do not meet our needs. At this point in the process of considering the source, we have decided not to proceed with STWA Well 2 and instead to continue to look for sources elsewhere.

We sincerely appreciate that many people in the community welcomed us so warmly and embraced our proposed project. This support is one of many reasons that Centre County remains a leading candidate in our search for a third Pennsylvania bottling factory location, with 50 jobs and an initial investment of $50 million.

We remain optimistic that we can find a source here in northern Centre County so that we can bring jobs and investment to the area in the near future. We will continue to be available in our Centre County office and by phone and email, and we hope that residents who know about other potential spring sites we should consider will reach out to us.

Please feel free to reach out to me in the coming days and weeks. We remain hopeful that there will be another opportunity to do business in this community in the future, and I look forward to continuing to work with community leaders to make that happen.


Eric Andreus, P.G.
Natural Resource Manager
Deer Park Natural Spring Water
Nestlé Waters North America Inc.
I agree that that is good news. I will add, however, that bottled water is obviously not going anywhere. It is something we may not want in our back yards but something we all probably consume at some point. Just one of those things. We love the convenience but we have that "don't do it here" attitude. The same can be said for the natural gas used in many of our homes that many didn't want drilled here in our own backyards.
I use very little bottled water. It's for the most part a waste of money. I can fill my own bottles, thank you.

No rebuttal.
There are places to take water that do not impact high quality wild trout streams.

Why do people buy bottled water?

I can see it on a trip or something but not beyond that. I’ll fill my water bottle up at sheetz and save $2.

This and Keurigs have to be the biggest sources of waste.

The US uses about 500 million straws a day.

No wonder the oceans are full of plastic.

I agree that bottled water is a waste of money and that we need to slow down our consumption of it as a nation. I have carried refillable and washable water bottles for many years. We just can't look by the convenience and act like bottled water is all bad. There are many times it makes sense. With large gatherings of people in remote locations it often makes sense. The main problem is people who drink it all of the time.

I definitely agree with Keurig/k-cups being a huge waste of resources, plus the coffee they produce is generally not so good in my opinion. People are suckers for convenience. Straws are terrible too as was pointed out above. Yes, we use entirely too much plastic and it is a huge problem. There are still times where using bottled water makes sense and we have all consumed it at one point or another.
The article mentions appreciation for the warm welcome that Nestle received. Truth is, the only folks that welcomed them were the members of the water authority, the Township supervisors in Spring and Benner townships and the Bellefonte Area School board. Otherwise, there was simply overwhelming opposition to this idea from the get go. Nestle's assertion that they would only be using less than 1% of Spring Creek's flow was pure hogwash, misleading at best. If one uses streamflow numbers from the Axemann gauging station, it was closer to 5 or 6 percent (during decent flows).