Need your help!



Staff member
Dec 13, 2021
It seems a few members have recently reported not being able to access the site recently from Verizon at home. If you have the same problem let me know here.

If anyone knows how I can report this issue to Verizon or knows someone there to help that would be great.

Thanks for the help


I use Verizon and have not had any difficulties. No idea how to report it to them other than call and wait forever to speak to a real person.

Yo Dave - I'm visiting daughter and her Comcast works fine here, as did the cigar place last week. Wifey talked to Verizon and their techie did some rebooting with no success.

Thanks for continuing to help on this. I'll let you know if I get a resolution.

Dave - just got back home to Verizonland and this Toshiba laptop that was working in Boston is now doing PAFF just fine. I'll be checking out the PC upstairs.

FWIW. I've had an Adobe update this week.


No problem with me using verizon!

I also have verizon - and have had no problems accessing
Dave you may recall I had this issue a few months ago...I had to resort to calling a Verizon tech guy who actually fixed the problem...can't remember what he did but I do recall that I gave him remote access to my PC...always a scary thing!
PS I may have sent you a PM about what the Verizon tech did. Fade Out
Dave I checked my PMs and I sent you 2 in September on this issue....I can't remember how I fixed it but involved going through Verizon's tech support.
presumably there's a routing issue with les' IP block to the host. its also possible the host has nullrouted said block for some reason, but i'd find that unlikely.

you need traceroutes from your home computer to the host, presumably they die before they should.

how to know if they should? dkile can confirm with a traceroute from his own system, the final hop should be the same piece of equipment (likely a edge router or switch in the hosting provider's fabric).

if you see a problem, les' stop before dave's, then you will forward them onto the host provider. ideally, les would send them to VZ support but that's likely a ball of useless suck and he might as well **** up a rope, but it doesn't hurt.
