Need Help Identifing Materials



Active member
Jun 26, 2010
Need a little help. A friend gave these to me. They were passed down to him. I have no idea what they are or what they could be used for. The blue feathered bird looks like a Blue Jay, but I am not sure. The long blue and yellow primaries look like macaw or parret. If anybody could use some of these let me know. Eunan?


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There is a western species of Jay called the Steller's Jay. It has a dark brown head and the rest of it is blue. I don't know about the white on the primary wing feathers and the blue looks a bit brighter (more turquoise in color) than any pictures I have seen of a Steller's Jay, but the cape in the top picture may possibly be from one of them.


How bik is the pelt in the top picture? Coloring doesn't really remind me of a blujay though. Kingfisher?
On a closer look at your picture, I don't think it is a Steller's Jay. Too much brown and white on the feathers underneath. I haven't a clue.
Well you guys are no freakin help. ;-) Here is some more pics for size reference and color


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white throated kingfisher is my guess, the dark skip with white tips looks like a starling , the lighter green feathers look like sun conure.
It looks like a chicken that got into some toxic fracking waste?
Ask these guys:

They all sell feathers for salmon flies.

One lot looks like Macaw (, which are used for horns.

I am not sure about the whole skin, I would have said kingfisher if it did not have the white (
The small skin looks to be a European starling
Dodo bird.
Stockies? ;-)

Sorry Shane. Just could not resist!
I think the blue one is a European kingfisher - which is used in fancy wets and old school salmon flies. Those salmon fly materials cost big bucks.

The small white tipped skin is a starling. Starling is the source of soft hackles for a lot of flies that are hugely effective in PA. Starling and some sort of dark body (purple silk, PT, Bwo colored dubbing) is one of my go to BWO patterns for tough PA limestoners. Learn to tie with that one.
This thread is entertaining on so many levels....
I think the blue one came from Neverland Ranch. It was one of Michael Jackson's pets. LOL
Now i know what happened to my parrot.......jk.....i wish i could help ya but i don't have any idea??????
It's not a stellers jay and not a kingfisher. But Idon't know what any of them are.
After googling around a bit, I'm betting the blue skin is a white breasted kingfisher:
Others have already identified the starling. The remainder is a bunch of stuff you won't use.
Wow, thanks FT. That is a cool looking bird. Now to Google fly recipes.

Google no help. Lol ok, what salmon fly tyer would like this skin and in return tye me a few patterns in exchange? Something I can frame.