Need a stream recommendation



Aug 2, 2010
I have a 3 day weekend and want to get out somewhere but my usual places are blown out.

Can someone suggest some fishable water within 100 miles or so of Scranton?

I'm no use for recommending streams in that part of PA, but with the warm weather and all the recent rain, it might make sense to do some brookie fishing.
+1 on FI's Brookie idea. From the USGS gauges I use in the area to roughly correlate stream flows to, I'd say the Poconos area Brookie streams are dialed in flow wise. That combined with the warm temps should have them fishing well.
Wouldn't Scranton be about 100 miles from the Cumberland Valley Limers? Maybe a touch more...Might be a refreshing change of pace too. Spend a day on the Letort and Big Spring, and some time in the Carlisle or Boiling Springs during Christmas sounds like fun.

I was thinking Cumberland valley. When I drove over the Letort yesterday it looked normal. I drove over my favorite brookie stream near Scranton and it was high.

I was looking on the USGS site but its a little tough to pick a stream strictly by flow.

I'm also thinking about Spring Creek. Limestoners are beyond 100 miles but I'll probably pick one anyway. As a trucker I'm used to driving.
If you are used to driving and have three days,I'd definitely try the Cumberland Valley Streams.A few years ago I did a 4 day trip to the CV in late December and was lucky enough to catch decent weather and had a great time.Don't forget:Bring some 18 and 20 BWOs drys and emergers,
No need to drive to Cumberland Valley. Pocono streams are prime right now. Stream temps got all the way into the 50's today. The fish will be active for the next couple days. I've been catching brookies on dries and browns on streamers during past 2 weeks on below streams.

Brodhead, Pocono, Pohopoco, McMichael's, Paradise, Devils Hole, Cranberry, Lehigh, etc...........

Need a longer list?
I decided on Spring Creek. I've wanted to fish there but never got around to it so I figured why not even though its about 150 miles from my house.

I caught 1 brown. I would have enjoyed myself even if I got skunked. It was good just to be out again.

A weird thing that happened was a carp came right out of the water and took my white wool indicator. It was the only surface action I saw.

After I was done fishing I went to Flyfishers Paradise (never been there before) and told about the carp. Man there said the carp probably thought it was bread.

I'm thinking about going back next weekend if the weather and my boss cooperate.
Spring has that affect on people. Glad you finally got to visit it and FFP.
Obligatory Spring Creek invasives reminder - make sure you clean your gear and/or use a dedicated set of gear for there. New Zealand mud snails are present, at least around Benner Springs. They are tiny but if you fished anywhere near there and look closely at your gear, you may have some hitchhikers.