Neat stuff along the stream.



Well-known member
Feb 19, 2009
Montgomery County, Pa
I often take pics of cool stuff I encounter while fishing. Another reason I always have my cam with me.

Anyway, does anyone recognize and know the location of this rock seat? It's pretty far up on this particular stream, along a trail. I'll wait a bit before I mention the stream. I'll be surprised if maxi doesn't know.


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I don’t know it. Or at least I don’t recall it. Be a nice spot to have lunch and a beer though. And if you’re fishing it, it’s probably along a pretty good stream.
Actually Swattie, for as beautiful as this stream is, you would expect it to have better numbers than it does. What trout are there are especially pretty though.


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Now I know where...I remember that fish photo from a different thread!
I did show that pic once before, if you remember it, I'd be very surprised. Only way to know is tell me what stream you think it is. :-D

Lick Run. (I reread that thread recently doing research.)
Great memory, that's the one. I wonder if maxi has seen that bench? He's described fishing there.
I love seeing stuff like this. Makes you wonder what the story behind it is.
I also get a kick out of finding odd structures along streams.

Along the lower end of Cross Fork creek, there is a campsite on state forest land - although technically you're not allowed to camp there, because it's less than 150 feet away from the stream.

But people are still camping there anyway
And built some pretty elaborate fire pits, tables, and chairs out of creek stones.
I've been referring to it with my friends as Stone Henge

It had to have taken a lot of time and effort to do.

Maxi knows about it.
Maybe he's the one who built it?
That's awesome! I love finding things when out. That bench is for sure going to be a beer spot for me one day thanks for sharing
Not sure I would sit there. Looks like a good spot for rattlers and copperheads!
I have found a number of campsites/ benches, hunting seats etc over the years. If this is the stream I think it is you should have encountered some elaborate camping sites if you fished up far enough.
lycoflyfisher wrote:
I have found a number of campsites/ benches, hunting seats etc over the years. If this is the stream I think it is you should have encountered some elaborate camping sites if you fished up far enough.
As mentioned, it's on Lick Run. I've fished a lot of the 17 miles of stream, and encountered some of the camp sites along the way.

I just thought that bench stood out because of the size of the pieces of rock involved in it's construction. It was well put together.
This stream, in it's upper reaches, is about as wild as you get in Pa, as there are plenty of bears and rattlers, so you need to be careful.
This cabin is near the top of Lick Run, off of Carrier Rd. I believe it's state owned and supposedly can be rented.
There's a not very well defined trail (long walk) that goes from this cabin down to the stream. At times it's difficult to discern. Had a BIG bear at close range while walking on this trail.
I stood on the camp porch and the view was amazing!


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Agreed on the wild part, you can definitely get further away from roads, but add in the elevation change, bears, rattlesnakes, bobcats etc it's about as wild as you can get.
Anyone have any more info on that cabin? Can it be rented? Through where? My internet sleuthing is coming up with a skunk.
How about the old fiberglass motor boat in the woods along the little J? I wanted to have my picture taken with me in the seat steering it but the 6 lb dump that somebody laid in the boat made me a little leery about getting in it. LMAO