NCPA Summit Part Deuce



Well-known member
Jul 6, 2011
Malden, WV
I had another attempt at NCPA this past week. Spent 7 days back up at camp w/ my wife and 3 kids. I respected the family vacation for the most part, which meant I fished streams close to the cabin as opposed to doing treks down to Kettle, Cross Fork, etc.

Conditions were much more favorable this time around, and it made me wish I pushed the summit back a week. It rained the whole way up Wed., on and off Thursday, and we didn't see the sun til Saturday really.

I fished two streams that were fished at the summit. One still did not produce (1 dink brown and I hooked into something in the 8-9" range but managed to not land it). The other stream was one Moosehead_Belle and I fished the Thursday of the summit, and this time it produced big time for me. Solid mixture of wild and holdover browns, and a few holdover bows.

Two other streams were "new to me". One was a small brookie stream that runs through the grounds my family deer hunts during rifle season. Never fished it because the lower end is nursery waters. I hiked back the forrestry trail til I was above the nursery waters and while I only landed a hand full of brookies (and no redds yet!?), I did manage to spook several larger natives. Good to see!

The other "new to me" stream was discovered by simply taking a drive. I rarely get into that area between Austin and Coudersport, so I decided to just take a short drive and see what I can see. Some of you know the stream that flows into Austin. I wasn't sure where exactly I was at, or what stream I was fishing, but I saw a small stream, saw a pull-over with a sign, "Fishing allowed: Walk-in only", and thought I'd give it a go. Very glad I did! That stream produced honkin' brown after honkin' brown! Some were obviously hold overs, others were very much wild, and the structure the whole was was amazing. One of those streams where every inch of water seemed to hold fish.

I'm sorry we had dry weather during the jam! Can't control that...but I did think a follow up was warranted since the attendees knew I'd be back in "the hood" 10 days later!



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That's a humdinger of a NC PA Freestone Brown. Very nice.
It was a hog, for sure. Funny thing, as usual, came out of a stretch of stream no wider than my fly rod.
Very nice Andy. I came up today and hope to fish a bit. I have a brown to chase that I tangled with earlier in the year.
Sal good luck. Any signs of redds? The brookies have to be on them by now. The browns were close, I think, earlier this week but you probably have a couple days yet.
Well I found him and lost him again. He was in the same spot. A nose comes up and gently takes the fly, all hell breaks loose, line becomes limp. This time the tippet broke. I was using 6x because the water was so low and clear. I was using a glass 6'6" 3 wt. so I think the tippet must have been nicked on a rock. Afterwards I saw him sulking on the bottom of the pool. He must be around 15-16" which is a heck of a fish for a small stream. Oh well. I had fun with a bunch of other browns and brookies. I did not see any redds or fish paired up.
That warm spell musta delayed the spawn a bit.

Hmm...maybe you need to just tell me where this fish is and let ole' Squatch come up and take care of bid'niz!
Squatch, if you're ever up and I am too I would be happy to put you on him. This brownie has my number.
He's yours, man. You'll get him, I'm sure of it. Next time I'll be up is in January. No fishin' then haha! My kids haven't been to the cabin in the winter yet, ashamedly, and we all know, there's nothing quite like Potter County when it's snowing. Plus, they need to have the experience of not being able to drive back our lane to the cabin because of snow, so you have to park along Rt 6 and use toboggans to get all the luggage back to camp ;-)
What is Moosehead_Belle?
An old New England fly, but he's one of the guys on here that was up for the NCPA summit.
The Moosehead Belle was developed by Gian Padovani in the Moosehead region of Maine during the 90's. The fly works GREAT during the spring smelt run for Land Locked Salmon, Brook Trout, Lake Trout and even Small Mouth Bass in the area rivers, it is not actually a smelt pattern, but imitates a local bait fish with a red body and therefore works well all year. I have used it with success in many locations and caught various species of fish and use the name "Moosehead Belle" as a way to remember my friend Gian.