NC PA State Park Lakes and Ponds



Well-known member
Sep 9, 2006
Dear Board,

The wife and I will be vacationing in northern Clinton County next weekend. Barring some rather prolific rains virtually all stream fishing will be not worth it.

The wife loves to fish but she is a 95% bait dunker. Last year we went at about the same time and she had fun at Kettle Creek Lake. I did too, but I am looking for more options and looking for input about any other lakes worth exploring?

Within about an hour's drive more or less of the cabin we will stay in there are several other lakes to try. Little Pine is closest, but I've never fished in the lake. Sinnemahoning State Park is around an hour away but the park webpage says the lake is too low to launch a boat so that scares me. Lyman Run and Hills Creek are pushing the one hour range but certainly not above visiting.

The problem for me is I have no idea of the conditions of those lakes currently? We plan on taking kayaks but slogging through 20 yards of goo to get on the water isn't appealing to her.

I'm not looking for hot spots, just some input on where we might be able to launch a kayak and bother a fish or two?

As an alternative to lakes, can anyone give me an idea as to whether the Susquehanna is worth fishing between North Bend and Lock Haven? Again, I don't want spots that guarantee success. We are both just looking for places to get on the water and paddle about and hopefully catch a fish or two?


Tim Murphy :)
The west branch susquehanna is very low, other than in the pool above the dam in lock haven boating and fishing will be tough. Little pine lake is worth fishing. Hills Creek is good fishing, but you will have lots of vegetation to deal with around the edges.
Tim, all you mentioned are good. Most suited different for types of fish species. Let's concentrate on the closest. Little Pine.

Easy access to lake. Trout and Bass would be the main species. Good fishing starts right from boat launch Lets say 50 yards out and toward headwaters. A small feeder stream runs in couple 100 yards above launch. Good enough to this point. Headwater most likely flat water due to low water.

Boat launch, look straight across lake, you will see rock ledges, head there too. Real good. Breast of dam on far side good. You will see where floating log debris is collected. Little above but also better below! Again, far side, Mountain side.

McConnels Country Store makes a good cheesesteak. Happy Acres is worth a visit. Little Pine Tavern in English Center makes a fab. cheesesteak, do not know status because of covid. Waterville Hotel, good food, cold beer.

A fun place! Shared it many times with friends and family.

By the way, Northern Clinton County, 2 hotspots in Lock Haven. Texas Restaurant, Main st. Perfect and Uncle Joe's Woodshed on the hill in Flemington. Uncle Joe's, you head to sporting goods in back and let your wife browse all the girl stuff. Make sure you stop!
Dear Lyco and Maxima,

Thanks for your suggestions. I imagine we will start at Little Pine Lake and explore from there.

One thing that will be a plus on this trip is that the fall colors are much further along than they were this time last year. Worst case is we drive State Forest roads looking for scenic vantage points and take pictures. We will have fun no matter what, for we are on a mission!


Tim Murphy :)

Tim, well, i am not quite done yet! Seems i sold you on Little Pine. How about another sale! Sinnemahoning State Park. This is a tough one because the outer limits of your reach. This one needs a plan because to do it in one day, you saw little!

Lake, while trout is on most minds, Bass are big, bigger and biggest! Lots. Forget the redfins, 4 inch shiners a must. Maybe a bigger chub. let's say 6 in. But it takes a day to catch that good size bait, so prep. is the key!

I stay at Kettle Creek, so up the Mt. at Trout Run and over is just a good story away, a long one!

This is most likely the best but, if your not close and live there, your a lifetime away. And thats just the beginning, fishing the beaver dams, will take you, well i never completed that task.

The Majestic reaches no man can conquer! With out a plan, too much roadwork!

This area in the next 20 years will be the new, Kettle Creek! They talk of it but never will know it. Met a man, long time ago, that put a rope on a bear and lead him down the Mt. It will take an old timer to vouch for this. A grand story. Well maybe 30 years!

Lyman Run Lake. High water, Spillway is king. Stream fishing, you better bring lots of flies, especially above dam. After 10 hang ups, you simply grab the leader and break off, while the sweat runs down your face.

Old boys fished the lake, with a headlight, mounted in styrofoam at night with wax worms. Headlight drew in the bait and the boys nailed the trout!

But that's when men were men, not afraid of night and not many restrictions to being a man!

I guess you can get laid back there and not really care, what is going on! I always took the middle rd. back, that brought you out at the Slyvania diner. The look out half way during a lightning storm is the coolest ever! Found Ginseng in those Mts.

But most of all, i found myself! Hats off to the finders and keepers there! Met some real Fabs there.

Hills Creek, panfish, bass and once was thought to have the State Record Musky. Musky, crossing the breast of dam, look back towards rd. Use to be a stretch of big trees, i believe Pine, right there!

Wellsboro diner a must, almost like Hotel California, can't kill it with your steely knife. Boy oh boy, then over the hill and far away to Antrim for great grouse hunting! Rabbits, biggies, an a occasional great time of memories but all the times were meaningful and remembered!

What a great time, i was married with 2 children, we just did it. Not married now and the kids, hate me! Must have gotten too much oxygen to their brains! i still like me!

Dear Maxima,

I had serious thoughts about going to Sinnemahoning State Park, and still may. But there is a warning on the State Park website that says the boat ramp is essentially closed because the lake is so low.

It says you can still launch kayaks, but my wife Theresa isn't quite the mud hawg that I am, so unless an inch or more of rain falls and replenishes the lake we'll stay closer to camp.

But trust me that won't bother us. Last year the conditions weren't all that great either when we went up. So we spent a lot of time driving forest roads and getting out and taking pictures. On the West Rim on the way to Colton Point I actually got a grouse on camera. They used to be like doves when I lived in the Southern Tier of NY and traveled to Central PA 35 years ago. It was the first one I saw in over 20 years.

Any chance you know the folks at Freezer's Auto Parts in Hughesville? I know GW and Charlie from my good friend John D. I know a bunch of people from Hughesville and Picture Rocks and even a couple from way up the road in Dushore.

From 1987 until my brother Terry struck out for Colorado in 1997 we probably spent 20 weekends a year staying at John D's house. We went from staying the in basement to having guest bedrooms.

But life has changed. I miss my old friends dearly, and most of them didn't even fish. But they gave me and my brother a place to go and let us visit and use their land, and never asked anything in return except for a cold beer or two which we had in abundance.

Thanks for letting me reminisce Max!


Tim Murphy :)

all lakes in tioga county are low, been fishing them and all fish are in deep water and closed mouth, low oxygen levels. not many boat ramps are useable. hills creek has had a algae problem. wellsboro dine is ok for tourist, harlands much better on back street.
I don't know much about Sandfly's territory. My son had me up in that area for a couple of days this week. To me, the creeks looked really low, virtually unfishable (at least by me). Drove thru Wellsboro for my first time ever. Nice surprise. An attractive town, with an attractive-looking downtown area. Even if you don't get to fish, it looks like a nice place to be, and the leaves are about at their peak right now, I'd guess.

I hope you and your wife have a nice time.
We are up here now and it's deathly dry. That's OK the leaves are looking good so we'll travel to different places and get out and take pictures. It will be a welcome break that's for sure!


Tim Murphy :)
rrt if you drove through wellsboro on rt. 6 my shop is in ansonia. at the canyon. west of wellsboro.

I think we were on Rt. 6 for a little while, but my son wanted me to see Rt. 287 going south, where he used to do a lot of driving. If we hit Ansonia, I cluelessly missed it.

Anyhow, you've got some beautiful country up there. I hope you get some rain soon for your streams. Things looked tough for the trout in the ones we drove by.
287 a long way from Ansonia. Now you talking my BLOW! 287 a good fishing skill, Ansonia, a fishing extravanza. Brush elbows with the devil at Owassee, bend your rod at Watrous and dive in at Galeton!

Get some, Hoss! Best kept secret in Pa. Not really a secret, if you are a man. Man territory, not for the weak of mind! Come natural, big shots, mean nothing here. Big shots do not fit in with a regular type of fellowship friends.
