My new stonefly.



Apr 26, 2011
This is my new black stone. It worked great Tuesday on Elk Creek for the steel. Let me know what you guys think.


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Looks like all the other black stones out. Nicely tied though!
Thanks for the compliment. It is two tone. I don't have a pic of the underside yet. The top is black of course. The underside of the abdomen is holographic clear and the thorax is light yellow ice dubbing. I used rubber legs for some movement. It turned out well and caught fish, so I'm happy with it
stoneflies and rubber legs work great in the west.
I had one of my best days ever Tuesday on 8 3xl rubber legs stone. I favor the golden stones though.
Golden stones are always great. I plan on tying up some of the golden versions before I go out next time. I didn't have the materials to tie some up before this last trip.
Nice fly.

It reminds me I do need to add stoneflies to my "to tie list".
Sal we should meet up and tie some flies so I can mooch off your materials....errr...I mean so you can show me some tying tips.
Sal thanks for the compliment. Stoneflies are the "steak" of the bug world to fish.
Nice looking nymph!