My nemesis crick, tonight I WON



Well-known member
Dec 8, 2013
Miff-Co, PA
I fished my "nemesis" tonight for an hour and a half. I won, and by that I mean I caught a trout. I actually caught 3. That's 3 more than I usually catch here. Two were only about 4 inches but...

Have you ever had a stream that you respect, fish are there, but generally you lose? I'm not talking the likes of the Letort, I'm talking the small limestoners that abound in my part of PA. I have many small streams I love and I fish this one sometimes and generally take a skunk. Different times of year, different approaches, skunk. I fish it just often enough to remain humble and to further enjoy the many great days I've had on its many nearby twins.

Three browns and two creek chubs ate a weenie tonight. Now, I need to go back soon to see if I return to the norm or if I can keep the streak alive.
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I fished my "nemesis" tonight for an hour and a half. I won, and by that I mean I caught a trout. I actually caught 3. That's 3 more than I usually catch here. Two were only about 4 inches but...

Have you ever had a stream that you respect, fish are there, but generally you lose? I'm not talking the likes of the Letort, I'm talking the small limestoners that abound in my part of PA. I have many small streams I love and I fish this one sometimes and generally take a skunk. Different times of year, different approaches, skunk. I fish it just often enough to remain humble and to further enjoy the many great days I've had on its many nearby twins.

Three browns and two creek chubs ate a weenie tonight. Now, I need to go back soon to see if I return to the norm or if I can keep the streak alive.View attachment 1641229484View attachment 1641229485View attachment 1641229486View attachment 1641229487
I think I recognize this stream myself.
I never did well there either but maybe a few times.
You can send me a PM and take a guess at it if you'd like..
No need but thanks, it just looks like 1 or 2 I've fished in your area fairly often in the past.

If I'm right, it wouldn't surprise me. If I was wrong it wouldn't surprise me either.
No need but thanks, it just looks like 1 or 2 I've fished in your area fairly often in the past.

If I'm right, it wouldn't surprise me. If I was wrong it wouldn't surprise me either.
It's all good. Wild_Trouter played along. Not the first time for him to take a guess. He's been right every time.