My First Real Attempt



Mar 28, 2009
Hey everyone.

I decided that I am going to start to tie flies....well....just a few for now. As most of you know, I am a complete beginner to this. I ordered a few things that I needed and decided to sit down and come up with somethings. I figured foam hoppers would be pretty easy to learn so that is what I attempted. I know that hopper season is over pretty much, but I figured I would work on it now and have it ready by next summer. I figured the monsters that I created would be used for bluegill and smallies.



I tied a few others that you can see at my blog

Nice! That's pretty dang good for your first try! I don't think I can tie them that well, although that's not saying much. :D
I watched and watched youtube videos....

They look alright from the side and top, but look at them underneath and its a mess....
foam depresses me. but, that said they look darn good. i'm too stupid to make the two tone thingies look proper like orange and brown one.
Nice work Steven. Somehow, I'm not surprised. :-D
Thanks Ed.....I looked long and hard at the two you gave me....
Dude...nice. I couldn't do that and I've been tying a long time. I really suck at it. I think I may try to get to that tying jam. I just never had anyone show me the RIGHT way.
I think those look great. Good job.
Great start. Not easy patterns for a beginner. Although you recognized it yourself on your blog you're making a lot more wraps than is necessary in some places. Try to make everyone count. Also, don't crowd the eye of the hook. Other than that, keep tying. You're doing really well and like everything else, practice makes perfect.
Look good!

de-barb your hooks, get a hair stacker (makes the world of a difference) and tie at least a dozen of the same pattern before you move on to another one. This will help you gradually get better with it on each tie.

Does your mortgage have a piggy back loan? If not, it will. lol