My First Fly



New member
Mar 3, 2011
Well today I picked up a fly tying tool kit, along with some basic materials to tie some woolly buggers along with a couple nymphs. I got really antsy tonight and decided to try my hand at tying a white bead-head woolly. I think it turned out alright for my first tie ever, although after looking at the pictures the tail does look sparse. If anyone has any comments or criticism feel free to share it, I would appreciate any input. Thank You



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Looks good, and welcome to the board!
Looks a lot better than my first fly. Hell, it looks better than some of the flies I tie now even after taking lessons!
Good job red. Couple suggestions to make even better but by mo means vital, what you have will work for sure. Try adding a little flash to tail and like you said maybe double bou in tail. If you have red thread do a collar of red behind the bead I do all mine with red collar does it help I don't know but I like it! I weight mine with lead on hook shank too bit some guys don't. Last thing and I picked this up from another post here. Go 1 full turn of chenille at the bend then tie in the hackle, complete the chenille, then finish the hackle this has helped increase the live of the fly. This buffer of chenille may help prevent teeth from cutting stem on hackle. Again there seems to be no bad buggers yours will work fine. Good luck.
It looks like you tied in and palmered your hackle backwards as it seems to be facing forward. Still will work.

forward, backwards, its a wooly bugger and i'm pretty sure it doesn't matter a damn.

go catch a fish with it, it'll make it that much more pleasurable.
If you ask me, there is nothing more rewarding in fishing then catching a trout on a fly that you tied.
I would have paid 20 bucks for that fly yesterday. For some reason I took my streamer/bugger box off my lanyard and forgot it at home. The only white bugger I had was tied on my line and after about 3 hours it was destroyed. They were tearing it up (literally) in the murky water. Black usually works best for me, but white is slowly becoming the new black. For me anyways. Nice fly. For sure it will catch fish!
I appreciate the kind words guys, and thank you Drews for the tips, I will try to incorporate them in the the next couple I tie. Also, after I looked at some more videos I do believe I palmered the hackle backwards, so I'm going to try to fix that the next time around. Thanks again guys!
my first fly was kinda zug bug-esque that was a pain in the rear trying to figure out how to core twist peacock herl welcome to the board you should keep some of your first ties in a lil shadow box as a constant reminder of your progress if you have any tying questions dont be shy anyone here is more than willing to help( just dont ask for their secret spots ....)