My first fly rod caught trout



Aug 24, 2013
I am primarily a spinning rod fisherman fishing almost everyday I can. Last November for my birthday I was given a fly rid and some basic flys. I spent the winter practicing casting in my backyard and looking up casting and fishing techniques on YouTube. When stock trout season rolled around I attempted with the fly rod a few times with no luck. In July my dad and I went on a day trip to some trout streams in the Poconos. After I manage a perfect cast a brookie jumps out and eats my fly. I set the hook then realize I don't really know how to land a fish. The trout gets off in a mediocre attempt of stripping in line.
I spent a few times after then at home catching sunnies on the local ATW where all the trout die in the summer. After adequate practice hooking and landing fish I gave it a second go on a trickle near my cabin in Southcentral PA
after a few failed attempts on the limited holding water I snuck up to the bank and flipped my nymph upstream. My line jumped and a quick yank revealed a scrappy yet beautiful brookie. I caught about 6or 7 more before continuing the hike away from the stream(it was mainly a hiking trip
Yesterday I tried some streamer fishing in my nearby stream I may out that report in the warm water forum
Overall I'm a novice at Flyfishing and I hope to learn a lot from the experts on this site
Live action:
A tiny stream

crouching next to the hole


Congrats to you!
Well don't forget to wet your hands if you're going to be handling those trouts
Nicely done. Before you know it you'll be selling that spinning rod! Keep an eye on the Beginner's forum, we hold several "newbie" events every year. We teach casting, fly selection, etc at no cost. We mostly do these events at the Little Lehigh which would not be too much of a trip for you. I believe we will be holding one in the fall. Some of the newbies on the forum can chime in as to whether it is worth the time or not but I would doubt you'd get anyone to say it isn't worth it.

Tight Lines.

Congrats on that fish; looks like the hard work paid off!

Good job Melvin. Welcome to PA Flyfish and welcome to the great sport of fishing the fly.

The Stream Reports forum is used for reports on specific streams with locations and dates are included.

As George the Fox wrote, there are many noobie events on the stream and a Beginner Forum, where new FFers can post with questions and get advice and as well, post things such things like this great thread and video about your adventure.

It will be moved into the Beginners Forum.

Again, welcome to PAFF.
Well don't forget to wet your hands if you're going to be handling those trouts
+1 on that ...... actually before you handle ANY fish you catch & release.
Congrats and welcome to the jungle!
Awesome job. It's a great feeling ain't it?
Very cool, and a native brookie to boot!

That's a very small stream, and the water is very low. Just a word of advice for those situations. Dry flies. It's much more fun! And probably more effective too in such a situation, as you can effectively fish from a little further away when you don't have to worry about negotiating underwater structure. The brookies are aggressive enough to hit it, the key is to not spook em.

And did I say, it's much more fun?

Good job!
Nice!!! Good to see you on this site.
Congrats on the native brookie!
Welcome, and congratulations on your first of many trout on a fly. You picked a good one to start with.