My fave tiny nymph



Jun 11, 2009
A good nymph for cold water:
Cool, I really like how he got the segmentation on the back. That fly's right up my alley. How small do you tie and fish that caddis?
I like his flies. I've tied this one and really like the way it looks and fishes.
Davey Mcphail is an awesome tyer. Great pattern there!
Iv2nymph wrote:
How small do you tie and fish that caddis?

I've tied that nymph down to a size 14 ...... I'm sure it could be a lot smaller.

I also use a tungsten bead rather than the lead wrap.

That's almost a "realistic" fly. I really like all the stuff he does.

They stock the Yellow Breeches in a couple weeks, Feb 19th, so I'll have to get busy with some advanced "realistic" ties.

Lots of good ties on YouTube!

Tight Lines,
Another good one!

Those tiny mono eyes are pretty easy to make. I used to buy them from Cabelas, but they were never small enough. With the "burn method" you can make any size you like.
Liked that one too, he's got a new follower. Thanks for putting this up. In the middle of tying midges now, can't wait to tie some of those. I agree it does border on the realistic side.
The most successful ties have some semblance of realism, shape , color , silhouette, coupled with the correct method of presentation for that particular bug. I can't tell you how many fish have fallen for a little thread on a hook if it's shown in the right way.
Yea, that's all the flies I'm doing right now out of Midge magic are thread wrapped on a hook.