My bird dog tried tying some flies today...



Dec 5, 2013
I was away for a few hours this afternoon and came home to a surprise. My dog, Murphy has decided to take up fly tying. His technique is a little sloppy but I'm confident he will get better over time. He found my entire stash from this past pheasant season and decided to make his own pattern which I'll call the "Murphy Special". Let me know what you guys think.


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I think I agree, his material handling skills leaves a lot to be desired...
Thats rough...I've lost a couple hackles to our dog as well.

The funniest was the electric blue bucktail...made for a few interesting walks over the next day or so.
Yep, I understand. I bought a few necks from Charlie Collins this year at Somerset. All #3’s except for a very nice #2 cream. 89 pounds of stupid in the form of a Golden Retriever came proudly walking into the kitchen with a few cream feathers hanging under him. That was the first time he ever did something like that and to this day, he licks his lips when he walks into the room if I’m tying.
Man's best friend...and I have two of them. :)
Thats happened to me before, too. My dog chewed up a chartruese bucktail a couple years ago, and he made sure to spread the mess out across a whole room.
I had an English Setter that liked to select his feathers from live chickens. 14 dead chickens later we had a half acre of feathers and lots of chicken noodle soup.
"murphy" would have been evicted! :)
nfrechet wrote:
"murphy" would have been evicted! :)

Normand! Good to see you on here buddy. Didnt even realize you were here.

Also, I have 3 cats and have lost countless saddles and capes by drinking too much while tying and forgetting to clean up.
This hasnt happened to me YET, but my dog Diesel was very interested and sniffy towards my new pheasant tails...gott as remenber to keep the door closed.
Rolf wrote:
Yep, I understand. I bought a few necks from Charlie Collins this year at Somerset. All #3’s except for a very nice #2 cream. 89 pounds of stupid in the form of a Golden Retriever came proudly walking into the kitchen with a few cream feathers hanging under him. That was the first time he ever did something like that and to this day, he licks his lips when he walks into the room if I’m tying.

Just doing his job Rolf. :p
I have a herding dog, Aussie to be exact, and he just sniffs all my fur and feathers and it doesn't trip his trigger at all. But bring the grand kids around and he tries to get everybody in a nice little group. :cool:
