Must have books



Well-known member
Sep 9, 2006
I was wondering what was everyone's must have Fly Fishing books . Since i'm on home duty for a while taking care of JR. I figured I would do some reading to improve my knowledge since I have no time for some hands on learning . Well I already own laFontain's caddis Borgers presentation and nymphing, Humphreys trout tactics. So what are your must have books ????? :-D
"2008 Pennsylvania Fishing Summary"

I mean since i bought a license this year, and the license came with a book, I "must have" it around here someplace. :p

Two good ones to add:

"Prospecting for Trout" by Tom Rosenbauer from Orvis - How /why / what / when trout feed, fly selection and fishing methods.

"Hatches II" by Natasi & Caucci - great study of mayflies with photos.

Good reading Papa........
Ed Shenk's Fly Rod Trouting, is a good book. If you fish spring creeks with midge hatches then Midge Magic, by Don Holbrook. Don has a lot of ties in there so if you don't tie maybe Fishing Small Flies, by Ed Engle.
the book ted fauceglia has some fantastic pictures of mayflies, plus a short article on when it emerges and he includes some tying instructions....
another book that i`m reading right now is ...slack line strategies for fly john judy, different ways to cast using slack in your presentation, especially downstream casting, i`m about halfway finished great book
I second "Mayflies"
and would like to add "Fishing for Pressured Trout"
jrcll wrote:
another book that i`m reading right now is ...slack line strategies for fly john judy, different ways to cast using slack in your presentation, especially downstream casting, i`m about halfway finished great book

I've been reading this book as well. I've always felt that some of the standard presentations being recommended in most literature had some issues producing drag at times but this is the first time I've seen it put to print.

The other day I fished the LL and watched a fellow on the far side execute a slack line downstream drift to catch three consecutive trout. Very useful tool especially in an area where you can't wade into a down stream position.
Here is another one.

DeLomes Atlas and Gazetteer.
Going the route of PA map and stream books:

Gazetteer (as mentioned) IMO everyone should have one.

Meck book

Landis Book

Armstrong TU book

Wolf Book

(although each book has streams with outdated regs and maps so they should only be used as a guide)
I'll second Humphrys "Tactics" and the Gazateer. "Limestone Legends" is great reading about the history of FFing here in central PA and I'd add Tabory's "Inshore Fly Fishing."
Vanishing Trout, by Charles Lose, is a great book about the history of northcentral PA freestone fishing.
1. Traver-Trout Madness
2. Marinaro-A Modern Dry Fly Code
3. Lose-The Vanishing Trout
4. Fox-This Wonderful World of Trout
5. Caucci/Nastasi-Hatches II
6. Gierach-any of his books
7. LaFontaine-The Dry Fly
8. Maclean-A River Runs Through It
9. Bergman-Trout
10. Fauceglia-Mayflies

If you read these, you ought to enjoy some of the great fishing in print. These are about fly-fishing. I have been finding that many of the modern so-called fly-fishing books aren't. For instance, I am now reading "Home Pool," and though it is a nice book of stories, most of the stories really have little to do with fly-fishing.
To my previous list, I would add two Harry Middleton books that, while not strictly about fly-fishing, are absolutely wonderful books: "The Earth Is Enough" and "On the Spine of Time." It was a real tragedy that Middleton died so young (age 44).
Well here is a list of all the books I own didn't have time before to see what I have on the shelve.

1 Pa trout streams and thier hatches Meck
2 Trout streams of Pa Landis
3 Caddis flies LaFontaine (Just Bought)
4 Presentation Borger
5 Nymphing Borger
6 Prospecting for trout Rosenburg Orvis (Just bought)
7 Trout Tactics Humphreys
8 101 innotive fly tying tips Meck
9 Fly fishing for Smallmouth bass Clouser
10 Bob Clouser's Flies
11 John Barr's Flies
12 Tying with CDC Leon Links
13 Hatches 2 Caucci/Nastasi
14 Taking trout Hughes

And next week I will be getting Fauceglia-Mayflies . :-D
If you tie, I would get the Flytyer's Benchside Reference. It's a huge book illustrating all the tying techniques known to man.

A DVD you should own and watch every spring is Joan Wulff's Dynamics of Flycasting. The book is good too, but I think a DVD is really the right media for flycasting demos.

Among the books, I'll echo some of rrt's picks
A River Runs Through It (the book is so much better than the movie, although I like the movie awfully well too)
The River Why
Anything by Traver
Anything by Gierach (but not too much at anyone time, he starts to sound like he's repeating himself after a while)
Anything by Rosenbauer, but especially Reading Trout Streams and Prospecting for Trout
An Angler's Guide to Aquatic Insects and Their Imitations
Landis's Guide to PA Trout Streams (I don't care for Meck or Wolf's) plus the Delorme. However, the FBC website has all that information for free too. You just can't dogear pages.
Harry Murray's Flyfishing for Smallmouth Bass
While we are talking about smallmouth bass, Clouser's Flies is excellent. And having his pattern for drakes is worth the cost of the whole book. Only pattern I've actually done well with on the Penn's Creek Green Drake hatch.
Bluegill Flyfishing and Flies by Roxanne and Terry Wilson. It'll get you fired up to find a pond with gills the size of dinner plates.
Either of Marinaro's books could be considered must haves, but I like In the Ring of the Rise more than A Modern Dry Fly Code.
TroubleShooting the Cast by the late great Jaworski. Don't pick up a long rod without it!
Either Joe Humphrey's Trout Tactics or On the Stream with Joe Humphrey's but not both. And don't take either too seriously or you'll think flyfishing is too hard for mere mortals and give it up entirely.
Production Fly Tying by A.K. Best. I didn't become a faster tyer after reading it, but my flies got a lot better
Thanks for the list Pad but I'm not into reading fiction . I mainly looking for books that will help me improve my skills .
Don't dismiss the non-instructional books. The fly-fishing books of stories are some of the most enjoyable reads you will find. I know the ones I have read have helped shape what I enjoy about fly-fishing. Traver, Gierach, Lyons, Howard Walden, and others have penned wonderful fly-fishing tales that you will enjoy over and over again. Once you've read one instructional book, most of the things you find in the next one will be review. Anyhow, I hope you enjoy your reading.
Fred, if you prefer non-fiction, this is sure to please you:


Then you can move on to this:


That said, I hate Franken.