Muskie leaders

Since I fish muskies with a sinking line I prefer leaders on the short side, something like this:
Butt: 2' of 40#
Middle: 2' of 20#
Tippet: 1' of 30# flouro
Bite Tippet: 6" of 20-30# wire.

You will often hear of muskie guys using very heavy line - often something like 60# braid or a straight leader of something like this. I don't like this because if you snag your fly, it becomes almost impossible to break the fly off and you risk damaging your fly line at such levels. You need a break tippet and I like 20#.
I was running 20lb mono from fly line straight to fly and it was working but won’t stand up to teeth. So I’m running 20lb mono to afw 20lb coated wire and they follow but don’t hit it.

So I’m thinking fluoro leader for a tippet or just running straight fluoro.

As for fly line is a different story I’ve already had big ones pull so hard they’ve cut my fly line right at where the leader was attached.