Multi-Year License Opinions



Active member
Jun 1, 2016
So I just went and purchased my 10 year license with 10 year trout stamp. I was wondering if FBC is running the multi year licenses to help make up for funding shortfall because they aren't getting the license increases they have requested? I don't know the numbers buying multi year licenses but could offering 5-10 year licenses come back and hurt the bottle line once the fee increases eventually pass?

Personally I purchased the 10 year license because out of the gate it saves $34 in transaction fees and also any fee increases would not impact me for 10 years.

So what are your opinions thoughts?

Mods if this belongs in the OTW forum feel free to move it, I was unsure where this should go.
A bird in hand is worth two in the bush.

Getting your and other multi year license purchaser's money years in advance beats waiting for annual renewals which cost the PFBC more to process, not to mention the number of license purchasers goes down every year.

I am sure there is a percentage of multi year license purchaser who may buy 5 or 10 year licenses but may not buy 5 or 10 single year licenses for various reasons.

It's like selling gift cards. Merchant's love it because a large percentage never even cash them in or use the full value not to mention the bird in hand thing.

10 is a bit long for me. However I have consistently purchased the three year version. I just don't like having to remember it every year. Plus the bimonthly magazine is nice and I used the discount coupons for the first time after my last license purchase.
I got the five year license when they started multi year. When did they add the 10 year? Maybe they had it when I got my 5 year and I just couldn't afford it. Whatever, I'm getting a ten year without question. That will take me right to my lifetime license. I could care less if I save money or they save or lose money I'm in it for the conveinance of not having to buy a license every year. If I croak next year then it's a worthy donation.
2 years ago, I sprung for the 5 year license. A good choice for me then because, when this license runs out, I'll be eligible for the senior license.
I mainly did it to save having to renew the license for 4 years. That's worth it to me - even though the monetary savings is minimal.
Of course, if something were to happen to me where I wouldn't be able to fish anymore, it would turn out not be a very good deal I guess
I bought the five-year when it came out, so my license runs out the end of this year. On the initial release, they only had three and five year licenses, so the ten is new this year I believe. It is an interesting offering. License fees are bound to go up sometime over that ten year period (especially based on some of the latest proposals that were published). Hopefully the ten year at the current rate will still be available December 1, for when I have to renew mine.

Might generate a small infusion of additional income this year, but that would eventually be offset by loss of revenue from higher fees that single year licenses would generate.

Folks who might buy five or ten year licenses, but not buy five or ten single-year licenses? As Bamboozle said, they are probably low percentages, but from a morbid perspective, if someone dies, that would be one class, or if someone becomes disabled or has to move out of state and either way, can't fish in PA, that would be another class.
poopdeck wrote:
I got the five year license when they started multi year. When did they add the 10 year? Maybe they had it when I got my 5 year and I just couldn't afford it. Whatever, I'm getting a ten year without question. That will take me right to my lifetime license. I could care less if I save money or they save or lose money I'm in it for the convenience of not having to buy a license every year. If I croak next year then it's a worthy donation.

I think the 10 year started this year. I went online to check the price of the 5 year and noticed that there was a 10 year option. For me being 32 soon to be 33, I will get my money's worth out of a 10 year license.
I did the same as salmonoid an got the 5 year when they were first available. And, I'll likely get the 10 year later in 2017.
My 3 year expires this year and Ill probably do another 3 year, thatll take me to age 35. I feel like Im young enough I still maybe able to get outta here plus theres always the chance my old lady may get a good job offer in another state in her line of work.
First let me thank those of you who bought a multi-year license. You explained the reasoning better than I could and you are all on mark. Convenience, some cost saving and most importantly for us, trying to reduce the churn rate. Nationally, only 3% of us buy a license every year for 10 years in a row. The more anglers we can get to buy for more than one year, the less churn we have. We retained Southwick Associates to study the impact of MYL sales. They found that half the people who bought a 3 or 5 year license wouldn't have bought one every year. Also, MYL holders fished twice as much as they would have if that hadn't bought a MYL.

BTW-- we place the funds into an account that is amortized and spent in the year it qualifies for purchase.

Hope this helps.

Your Director.,

John Arway
Why not offer a lifetime license like at least one bordering state?
Just got my three year license again. It is nice not having to worry about it every year. I didn't even realize they had the 1o year license. But since I have the 3 year license again I think the 10 year license for 2020 and after that I get my senior license.