Mulberries for trout (not just carp)?



Well-known member
Nov 10, 2006
Walking over small a wild BT limestoner today, I dropped three mulberries into the pool below. The first resulted in an immediate rise by a BT half way to the surface before turning away. The second resulted in a swirl by a smaller trout beneath the mulberry that disturbed the surface. The last resulted in what I believe was probably a trout taking the mulberry. It was an aggressive take. I’ve fished the stream for years and looked off the bridge many times in various seasons. No carp in the creek, but there are some smallish white suckers. Wild browns will take bread and probably corn, so why not mulberries. Anyone try a mulberry carp fly on trout?
Never got trout on mulberry but besides carp I have caught Rock Bass and Smallmouth on them. Also sunfish.
got a female mulberry on my lot, always deer and foxes under it.
I had one in the back corner of my yard, growing up. Ate a ton. Would have eaten more but we had a peach tree and strawberries too.
I had one in the back corner of my yard, growing up. Ate a ton. Would have eaten more but we had a peach tree and strawberries too.
I didn't realize people ate them. We were raised to hate mulberries. We had a huge mulberry tree right outside our screened in porch. My mom would famously scream at relatives during picnics who would tramp through the mulberries and drag them onto the porch. They come up in our hedges and in the woods at the back of our yard. Then the birds eat them and crap purple all over the place. I am scarred but I hate them.
Mulberries can leave some terrible stains. It's some tough wood though. Great for burning, but it's gotta be seasoned.