Mountain Freestoner Brookies



Well-known member
Mar 14, 2012
Lancaster, PA
I hit the headwaters of a Berks County mountain freestoner for a short outing this afternoon. It was flowing full and crystal clear. The sun finally peeking out of the clouds made it a bit more challenging, but the opportunistic little wild brookies didn't disappoint.

I fished a very tight, high gradient, laurel choked section of the creek and managed to catch a fair number of small natives. I didn't even take the time to put on any type of rubber boots, fishing in my Redwing work boots I never even stepped into the stream. I'm sure I walked past a bunch of fish as I just focused on the deeper holes, good runs and plunge pools. It was a very enjoyable time spent on a beautiful section of stream. This type of fishing is definitely good for the soul.


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Very nice indeed and some motivating pics!

Today was gorgeous for mid-winter and I was lucky to be able to get out a bit too during my travels (was looking for toothies - no luck, as usual).

With the warmer weather lately and all the water in the creeks now, I would guess that gemmie fishing should be pretty good right about now.
Nice! I wish I could have gotten out this afternoon.
I love this kind of fishing. I've been itching to hit my best and favorite local brookie stream but I just haven't had time yet. I've been too focused on browns in my spare time.
That looks awesome. The second picture is amazing and looks like it sums up a day in the mountains.

I am starting to get the itch to get out of the city... well as much as city as northern lancaster co can be considered city. I am feeling like I need to start exploring to find me a few little gemmie streams.
nomad_archer wrote:
I am feeling like I need to start exploring to find me a few little gemmie streams.

There are a whole lot of them out there!
dc410 wrote:
This type of fishing is definitely good for the soul.

So true! Thanks for sharing. Nice Medalist too!
yep. good to see some brookies
Now were talking ;-)
Good for the heart too! Nice day!
I've got to get out. Nice fish.