Mountain Brook rod blanks



Active member
Jul 18, 2010
I'm thinking about building one this winter. Anybody built up one of his short fiberglass rods?
Get a logon to this group and you'll be able to do a search - there have been several threads on these blanks and many others as well.

A proven quality alternative would be a "Riffle" fiberglass blank sold by Phil & his shop on Kettle Creek PA. His 7' 3-4wt is super in tight streams.

If you run into a problem finding a reel seat that you like that will fit over a glass rod's butt diameter, don't be afraid to sleeve down the bottom 3" of the blank as needed to accept a reel seat you really like. This is not an uncommon technique at all.
Thanks, Springer. Already been searching and read everything I can find. Just looking for an opinion closer to home and found one.

They threw a hissy fit over those blanks because whatever guy was hawking them didn't mention they were made in China (as are the Kettle Creek blanks, probably same source) but they'll happily throw buckets of money at "Epic" which are sourced from NZ but are presented with the delightful aura of costing too much and thus are "exclusive" or something.

Anyways, if a wooden reel seat can't be obtained wide enough to fit the butt and you don't want to cut the bottom 3" off and glue a wooden dowel in, simply use a metal reel seat.

That probably won't happen if you're building something that's short, light, or both.
gfen wrote:

They threw a hissy fit over those blanks because whatever guy was hawking them didn't mention they were made in China (as are the Kettle Creek blanks, probably same source) but they'll happily throw buckets of money at "Epic" which are sourced from NZ but are presented with the delightful aura of costing too much and thus are "exclusive" or something.

Anyways, if a wooden reel seat can't be obtained wide enough to fit the butt and you don't want to cut the bottom 3" off and glue a wooden dowel in, simply use a metal reel seat.

That probably won't happen if you're building something that's short, light, or both.

Here's a good thread with some useful info from the glass forum.

If your wooden insert doesn't fit (ID not large enough to fit over the butt) try reaming out the insert. You can do that with a larger wood bit, or take the time to ream it with a rat's tail file. I've done it successful more than once. YMMV.
I built one last winter and it's just peachy. Used a metal reel seat so no problem there, < $100 all in and it's fine for my mediocre skillset.
Thanks for ALL of the replies and PM's. I found a 7' 5 weight Heddon PAL with an Ocean City reel at a flea market. Gotta go back and ****er some more. Further research shows me his price was pretty good for both pieces. Dealer was a tool, though. I couldn't just give in to him. He said he was going to a show and he'd sell it there. He seemed to know less about the rod and reel than I did. Told me it was only good to hang on a wall.