Most Expensive Nail Clippers?



Active member
Apr 23, 2013
So I'll never pay what Able wants for their fancy nippers, but maybe I can impress other anglers with the most expensive nail clippers.

I've found this one:

Almost $15, we're getting there but surely there are higher priced ones out there?
Mock it all you want but when you're out on Spring Creek in the middle of a white sucker run, high sticking for those bonefish, the last thing you're gonna want to deal with is your fingernail clippers failing.
Even worse, what if the aliens want to use em and they fail?
Wow! I just looked at Abel nippers and they were $49 (on sale) to $165 depending on finish. I didn't realize they were that much.

Actually, I don't think $15 nail clippers are all that bad. I've come to the realization that good, sharp clippers made of a good steel cut better and last longer, so are a affordable luxury. $165 for nippers with a cool fish scale finish - I don't think so.
Fly fishing is just like any other hobby. You can spend as much money as you'd like. And THAT's what makes America great!

I spend $350 on a fishing rod. Joe Mudderutz spends $65 on nippers. Jane Muderutz spends $250 on waders. And Puddintain spends $1000 on a guided float trip down the tail waters of the local effluent plant.

Is fly fishing a mental illness???

If so, I'm a sick puppy...
I really like the Anglers Image clipper. It is made of very good heat treated steel and it holds it's edge very well. I can easily snip through 30# mono or 7X tippet with ease. I especially like the long, and fully retractable, needle to clean out fly eyes or help to pick out a wind knot. Most of the other clippers and nippers have a cheap needle that is almost impossible to access. It is very easy too sharpen if you have a small flat India or Arkansas stone. Just hold the end of the clipper flat against the stone and make some back and forth strokes and the edge comes right back.

The Anglers Image clipper retails for about $16.00.
$15 dollars for clippers! Whoa, the lines I fished are barely more than that. Lol.
JeffK wrote:
Wow! I just looked at Abel nippers and they were $49 (on sale) to $165 depending on finish. I didn't realize they were that much.

Actually, I don't think $15 nail clippers are all that bad. I've come to the realization that good, sharp clippers made of a good steel cut better and last longer, so are a affordable luxury. $165 for nippers with a cool fish scale finish - I don't think so.

$50 nippers on sale is just lunacy in my opinion.
At those prices it looks like the angler is the one getting "clipped."????
They are $15 NAIL clippers, not $15 tippet clippers.

They are made by DOVO, a respected German manufacturer of quality scissors, tweezers and the like and they beat the balls off of Trim or Revlon clippers for their intended purpose, clipping fingernails.

As a matter of fact, more than a few fly-tying dealers sell marked up Dovo scissors as fly tying scissors along with other overpriced fly-tying tools like Anvil scissors, Dr. Slick tweezers or C&F fly-tying combs....

which using the same logic could all easily be substituted with stuff from Wal-Mart.
If the needle makes such a difference, go to the nearest sewing store for a wide selection. For the price of the clipper with its needle, you can buy a lifetime supply and still have money left over for another gadget. And carrying a needle is not a problem; those of us who fish with minnow rigs do so all of the time.