More Susky woes

The latest I saw is no update. The Game Commission is involved in the investigation but not DEP.
I would think this would be more important to solve than some of the other problems we have like some dopey guy running around in the mountains in a robe, halfway around the world?? We have something definatley wrong here, that plus the bees dying, which is a danger to our crops, no bees no food crops?
RADIATION LEAK ??? If it was in the water the fish and insects would be dyin too. radiation in the air could do it...GOVERMENT COVER UP !!!! :-x :-x
did you read some of the goofy forum posts below the article. Man, I hope those are just fake posts to get you to sign up. If not, the radiations has already taken affect and its too late. :-o :lol: :-o :lol:
Sandfly don't go blaming this on radiation. Didn't you just have baked beans the last couple nights? Wind was coming from your direction.