More outrageous MS news



Dec 16, 2009
thanks for posting. be interesting to see how this pans out and what other angles will be presented on this.
The gasland guy being arrested isn't as big a deal to me as them not allowing ABC entrance. It could have been a publicity stunt by the gasland guy, but ABC had the permit and is a legitimate news source.
iceyguides wrote:
The gasland guy being arrested isn't as big a deal to me as them not allowing ABC entrance. It could have been a publicity stunt by the gasland guy, but ABC had the permit and is a legitimate news source.

In the articles I read ABC has denied they were even there. CSPAN was there, permitted, and filming.

I wouldn't think they would arrest someone unless he put up resistance. Normally they would just toss you out. Is there more here than being reported?
Franklin, you're right. I read the article earlier in the day yesterday, before ABC said they weren't there. When i read it the article claimed that ABC journalists were denied entrance despite having the proper pass/permit and there was no video of the arrest.
video of arrest