Montain retreat revisited



Active member
Dec 29, 2006

For the first time in over a decade, I went to a family members mountain place. It just so happens to be very near one of my favorites, Fishing creek in Clinton county. That is where I believe the most beautiful browns on average in the state reside as every single wild brownie has distinct scarlet slashes on the top and bottom of their tails.

Though this retreat may not be seen on
"Lifestyles of the rich and famous", it just doesnt make it any less special. Nomorecornchuckin grew up going here and his father left it to him when he passed. Not one utility except propane tanks you take with. If you have to go no. 2, grab the shovel and head into the woods. It turns out the bear wasnt real fond of the outhouse.

My friend here that came with shall henceforth be known as 'Gasper-goo'. A diligent flyman in his sophmore year whooped my butt at Fishing creek discovering midge droppers as my beloved terrestrials didnt do near as well. As you can see, the neat thing I appreciate about his fishing is how he loves the colors and patterns on wild fish. I have yet to get a picture of him NOT looking at the fish.

Ofcourse that only lasted for the day as the next day I whooped him a bit as well. However I have to admit that though I didnt use the dropper method, I did steal his midge technique as we went to Spring creek and I left my terrestrials in the box. Caught one of my nicer wilds of the year. What a beautiful day.

And what of my cousin Nomorecornchuckin'? He was pretty busy making us breakfasts, doing some painting on the cabin, and fishing with his wife. He did flyfish but the trout were very snooty so he had to catch a couple with his spinning rod. I do promise you this, he did not chuck one single piece of corn.
His wife of Korean decent made us something called Sum giup sol that was very unique and tasty and she was so nice yet so humorous. After Gasper-goo and I prodded her enough, she gave us an authentic "Me so horny" with accent included. Hilarious. My cousin really found one there. I'd post a picture but I dont want to start any riots over her.
Turned out all the missing utilities were just what I needed as I thought of very little but good food, good times and good friends.

And where the next trout was waiting at.
That is a beautiful brownie!!! Glad you had a good time and thanks for sharing the pics.
That has the looks and sound of one refreshing time ST. I especially like the vintage 1960 aluminum framed glider. Man they don't make 'em like that anymore....
Squaretail, if you'd like to post a pic of my wife, be my guest, I'm not to humble! I tried to download pics on this forum in the past but it won't let me, not sure what I'm doing wrong, any suggestions? :lol:
1st thing you have to do is have an account with a photo shop on the computer. Most use photobucket and they dont hassle you to order pictures at all.
Its an extra process to post photos but the end results are much nicer as you dont end up smearing the thread all over the place so people have to scroll back and forth to see the post. The quality is good as my pics seem as nice as anyones with just a $200.00 camera. Someday though I'm gonna get a killer camera and get those real close up shots that make a crayfish look like something from a Godzilla movie.
After you do that, you probably want to pm Maurice as he is one of the moderators and is the one to show me. He knew just what and how to say it and got me going in no time.

I would add that you don't NEED to use an off site host to keep your pics. You can upload them directly to the site and insert them in the post. There is an option below when your begin or reply to a post named ATTACH FILE. to the right is a browse button to which you will browse your hime computer find the pic (must be under 1mb) and then click attach. You can do this several times to add many pics to a post. The only problem with this option is you cannot add text after the first picture like ST does.

You CANNOT add pics to the "fast reply" option. It is for text only.

The other option would be to upload the pic to the Photo page on this site. Open it, (after the moderators admit it) and then copy the web address line. Then begin a post and paste the web address into the text editor.

Thanks, Fellers! I'll try that.
That first pic was a test, not too good quality. Here is my wife. The cool thing about fishing with her is, if she doesn't catch any trout, she does not get frustrated, she just goes and finds something else to "catch" and release I might add. She loves the outdoors, I strongly encourage everyone to get your significant other involved, you might be surprised how much they actually enjoy it. And they won't get upset about you being away all the time!
No Rattle, that was a water snake in Penns Creek 2 years ago. My wife and I could only watch helplessly as the nearly exhausted brown trout slowly pulled the almost 5 foot snake around the water as he diligently held on. after about an hour we lost sight of them. That trout was a good 18+ inches, I wonder if the snake was even able to swallow it.......I hope not, but unfortunately, I also know better. Kind of sad but that is nature.
So the white part is the underside of his head..I had the wrong end :-o
Awesome camp photo's. I wish I had a camp. I was recently in Ridgeway PA and looked at some lisitings in the local paper. Many homes seemed very affordable. I even thought of getting a peice of dirt and putting up the biggest barn from Lowes or HD. Seems like more of a dream than reality. I can tell you that I would not be one of the Idiot's that win the lottery and say I am gonna keep working.