Module feed on MSN home page



Nov 17, 2009
Before the site revamp, I use to have a module feed on my MSN page from the PAFF forum. It was really nice because at a glance I could see all the latest posts as they came to be. Though the module heading still brings me to the PAFF home page, a oneliner in the module itself says - feed is not available - try again later. Is the feed going to be up again? I hope so, it was really handy.

Thanks for keeping things running. :)
Okay, I guess that's my problem, too. I was going to report that I'm no longer getting feeds to Google Reader. I guess it'll be fixed this weekend.

Thanks for the site.
Thanks for the reply and the good work.
This should work for the forums. I don't think this works for whole site:,0,2.rss

Worked for me automatically with Google Reader.
Okay, the Google Reader feed now works. However, the search functions, regular and advanced, do not. Either that or all of a sudden, I don't know how to use it.

BTW, I use the Google Reader RSS Feed under the Stay Connected right side tab to subscribe to the whole forum. Just for laughs, I deleted the old subscription and subscribed anew.

Sorry to bother you Dave. But hey, when I inputted the RSS feed URL in the MSN ADD CONTENT box, it wouldn't accept it, got his:

Add RSS Feeds[What's this?]
Type or paste a URL

Add Feed
The RSS feed you chose could not be accessed. It does not use the RSS/ATOM feed standard required by My MSN.

What ever I'll keep trying. THANKS


Whoops got it. I didn't include the ,0,2.rss when I pasted, I only pasted the link you gave. You have to paste this much:,0,2.rss
Good to go! :-D
An update to my post #6 regarding the Search function. It seems the one at the top of the Forum works, but not the one at the bottom.
