


Active member
Sep 11, 2006
For the last 4 days I haven't been able to access this site via my phone or iPad?

Just a blank screen.

The world is still not friendly to apple products...
I would start with going into your preferences on your browsers and clearing your caches. Quit all your apps and do a restart. Sounds old-school, but this often helps.
No luck.

I cleared everything up and still a blank white screen.
What browser are you using? Safari or something else?
Yep can we get more details. Where is this happening home, work or a data connection thru Verizon or ATT?

Seems like there is a firewall issue blocking something.

Assuming the PC is working fine since you are able to post here. Is your PC hardwired or wifi too?
I am at home and have Verizon. I am using safari.

I am only able to post while at work.

It's just weird because I used my ipad countless times at home.


Can you take you iPad to work and see what happens there. Sorry to make you go through all this, but it is the only way.

Also can you try installing Chrome of the iPad and trying it at home?

Trying to figure out of it is the iPad, browser, home router. Once we do that we can I hope correct it.

Again assume other computers work fine at home?

So I'm at my parents house and it works.

So I'm really lost.
okay we are down to a few things. The routers in the house which provide access to the Internet, your Internet provider and the DNS.

What kind of wireless access point do you have?
Who is your Internet provider?

If you want to move this over to my email you can reach me at

Just a follow-up:

I have contacted Verizon and they remoted into my desktop to clear my cookies and cache.

Then they transferred me to an "expert" who was going to charge me $15/month to fix the issue.

As much as I love PAFF, $15 seems a bit high for them to fix a problem that their internet caused.

So, does anyone have any ideas on how to fix the issue. If not, it's not a huge deal; we plan on switching ISP within a couple months.
Does the forum server implement IP blocking? If so, maybe you inadvertently did something to get your home address on the banned list.
Try releasing the routers IP address and obtaining a new one.
That might help.