Mizrahi Films captures the Casselman River

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Adam Mizrahi caught my attention with a very intriguing fly-fishing video he put together on one of his recent trips to the Casselman River. The Casselman is beautiful trout stream that runs from Western Maryland into Pennsylvania that I have enjoyed some really nice spring caddis hatches. The five minute video really captures the fun and mood of the day Adam and his crew made their run out to Western Maryland.

Digging a little deeper I found that Adam has a YouTube site with a small collection of fly-fishing videos from some other trips he has taken. His creative edits and soundtracks add a light surreal tone to his video. Some of the other regional streams he has waded include the Gunpowder, Morgan Run and the Conewago.

When I caught up with Adam I was expecting to hear about some big production company and equipment that he has access to create his videos. I was blown away when he explained this was all done with just a couple of entry level $200 video cameras and the software program iMovie that came with his Macintosh. Really pretty remarkable stuff for a guy that when not taking time to fly-fish and shoot video on a Flip Mino runs a home remodeling business. Self taught, Adam really captures, edits and presents the essence of his days out on the stream.

In addition to these videos, he hopes to get something together so he can enter into the Annual Drake Flyfishing Video Awards.

You can catch up with Adam and see more of his videos on his YouTube site.

Thanks Dave, I really appreciate the kind words in the article. You are the first person to contact me, interview me, and publish a very nice piece highlighting what I am trying to create with these films. Getting out on the river is often referred to as "going to church" by my friends who taught me to Fly Fish. Now I have never been to church, because that is not my background, however I find the river is the only place to find peace from our rush rush lives. My films are a way to capture what some people will never have a chance to experience and for the addicted anglers that need something to wet their appetite when they are away from the river. My films are in constant motion evolving as I grow as a filmmaker as I experience what works and what doesn't on film. I also appreciate people like you who take a proactive approach by simply doing what they say they are going to do. Much success to you in your life and I will be in touch in the future if you would like to see the editing process or anything else that goes into these films. And most of all to everyone tuning in Thank You very all your support and comments Stay Tuned and Enjoy!
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Thanks Dave, I really appreciate the kind words in the article. You are the first person to contact me, interview me, and publish a very nice piece highlighting what I am trying to create with these films. Getting out on the river is often referred to as "going to church" by my friends who taught me to Fly Fish. Now I have never been to church, because that is not my background, however I find the river is the only place to find peace from our rush rush lives. My films are a way to capture what some people will never have a chance to experience and for the addicted anglers that need something to wet their appetite when they are away from the river. My films are in constant motion evolving as I grow as a filmmaker as I experience what works and what doesn't on film. I also appreciate people like you who take a proactive approach by simply doing what they say they are going to do. Much success to you in your life and I will be in touch in the future if you would like to see the editing process or anything else that goes into these films. And most of all to everyone tuning in Thank You very all your support and comments Stay Tuned and Enjoy!
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Thanks Dave, I really appreciate the kind words in the article. You are the first person to contact me, interview me, and publish a very nice piece highlighting what I am trying to create with these films. Getting out on the river is often referred to as "going to church" by my friends who taught me to Fly Fish. Now I have never been to church, because that is not my background, however I find the river is the only place to find peace from our rush rush lives. My films are a way to capture what some people will never have a chance to experience and for the addicted anglers that need something to wet their appetite when they are away from the river. My films are in constant motion evolving as I grow as a filmmaker as I experience what works and what doesn't on film. I also appreciate people like you who take a proactive approach by simply doing what they say they are going to do. Much success to you in your life and I will be in touch in the future if you would like to see the editing process or anything else that goes into these films. And most of all to everyone tuning in Thank You very all your support and comments Stay Tuned and Enjoy!
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Wonderful video!

Brought back some memories for me. JackM and I had a banner day on the Cassleman last year and a week later I took my son and TomGamber down for the evening hatch. Lovely water and well managed by MD.
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Wonderful video!

Brought back some memories for me. JackM and I had a banner day on the Cassleman last year and a week later I took my son and TomGamber down for the evening hatch. Lovely water and well managed by MD.
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Wonderful video!

Brought back some memories for me. JackM and I had a banner day on the Cassleman last year and a week later I took my son and TomGamber down for the evening hatch. Lovely water and well managed by MD.
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Very Nice Video!! I have a camp in Somerset Co. P.A. & the streams are sweet!! This year is awsome so far!! see you on the stream
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Very Nice Video!! I have a camp in Somerset Co. P.A. & the streams are sweet!! This year is awsome so far!! see you on the stream
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Very Nice Video!! I have a camp in Somerset Co. P.A. & the streams are sweet!! This year is awsome so far!! see you on the stream
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