Mike Romanowski has passed away



New member
Oct 17, 2018
Just heard the news from some friends. I had Mr. R as a math teacher back in high school and went to some of the fly tying classes he proctored. He pointed me here a long time ago, though I've lurked for the most part. He always asked me when we were going to make it out on the water but we unfortunately never got the time.

Figured I would let some of my fellow pa fly fishers know.
My condolences to you and Mike's family.

Thanks for the heads-up on this sad news.
Sorry to hear about Mike. I'll miss seeing him on the Delaware.
Mike helped me out in a really difficult time in my life. He definitely was not afraid of going the extra mile for any of his students, staying after school prepping us before SATs or helping with whatever math we were struggling with.

He's fishing that mystical steelhead pool in the sky by now for sure. He was taken too soon and he will be missed.
Sorry to hear of Mike's passing. I remember him from back in my days with the Stan Cooper, Sr. TU in NEPA. He was a very nice guy.