Mike Kaufmann 40th



Oct 12, 2009
Mike, congratulations and thank you for 40 years of great service with the PAF&B Commission. That must be a very old photo of you in PA Angler & Boater magazine. You do not seem to age with the rest of us.
PSH wrote:
Mike, congratulations and thank you for 40 years of great service with the PAF&B Commission. That must be a very old photo of you in PA Angler & Boater magazine. You do not seem to age with the rest of us.

40 years on the job.....congrats!

Thank you for your service and thank you for many years of contributing on here.

You've added a lot of info and insight to help all of us become better anglers.

Thank-you Mike for your dedication to the resource. Congratulations on your long tenure on a job you clearly enjoy (for the most part at least).
Congratulations to Mike K.!
Many years and dedication in caring for, and looking out for, our beloved fisheries across the state, but especially in SEPA (a tough neighborhood for fisheries).

While we may not always agree on best management policies (which ARE debateable) for trout streams... Mike has brought decades of first hand experience to our forum with streams and their fish populations and his willingness to share that wealth of knowledge has been immensly beneficial to our PAFF community.

And, all that fish handling has kept him young - after all, it couldn't have been all the paperwork. :)

So, kudos to you Mike. Forty years is a milestone.
Mike - I enjoy your posts and appreciate the fine work you do. Congrats on your milestone.
Congratulations Mike.

Thank you for your dedication and work.

Mike thanks for all 40 years of great work.
Congrats! I remember hearing rumors a few years back that you were going to retire that year. I was really glad to find out it wasn't true. Fake news I guess!
Congrats, Enjoy your posts and appreciate your dedication.
Thank you for your service and dedication. The insight you have offered here on our fisheries is something that we all appreciate.
Thank you, thank you, thank you. Your service and help does not go unnoticed.
Congrats Mike!
Congratulations on your 40 years!
congrats Mike! Maybe they will let you take a day off and go fishing!
Congrats Mike. 40 years is amazing. You're definitely OLD though ;-)!!!
Thank you to all for the congrats, compliments, and comments. I have been very fortunate to have such a diverse and interesting career.

As for PSH's comment about the photo in this month's issue of the Pa Angler and Boater magazine, it was taken at age 64 during the 2016 summer along the Susquehanna River following a boat electrofishing run.
Good for you Mike, go take a nice bike ride.
Congrats to you Mike. Thanks for all you do for the fish and your contributions to our forum here on PAFF.