Might be going fishing



Sep 22, 2010
So as the title says I may be going fishing tomorrow. I will be going about a mile and a half down strream of grier school. Im not reeally sure what flies I should use. Can any of you guys give me an idea
Thank ya, Adam
Any flies will work if presented properly. Well, within reason.

But if you want specifics....
Dries: ants, beetles, hoppers, and large brown mayflies.
Nymphs: pheasnat tails, hare's ears, or anything really.
The Iso hatch may be on. Try size 12-14 grey dry mayflies. Size 10-12 nymphs with peacock hurl body, fish the nymphs with some motion. Soft hackle or wet flies similar to the nymph, swing these.
My lunch hour was spent teaching two guys how to tie nots, and a few minutes fishing in 3 spots all within 50' of each other.

I had four fish on the simple Royal Wulff, a pattern that represents ntohing alive.

Sometimes, its not about WHAT you use, but about how badly you want to use it. Go out, and have fun and don't get lost in the details.
Gfen............a Royal Wullf represents nothing alive????????? WHA???????
Welcome to PAFF. This Beginner's Forum is for fly fishing newbies to post questions and (hopefuly) get some help from the experienced guys. You mention fishing near a school. Since many of us don't know that particular spot - you might try something like: "I'll be fishing a small mountain stream for trout in Potter County" or something like this that is more general. Questions framed this way can usually solicit better answers. Usually on this website fishing discussion is assumed to refer to trout fishing unless otherwise specified. I think it still makes sense to mention what type, or types, of fish one hopes to catch.
Good luck!
osprey wrote:
Gfen............a Royal Wullf represents nothing alive????????? WHA???????

The apocryphal Wulff answer to what the Royal Wulff was supposed to look like is "strawberry shortcake."

I'm no entomologyst, but I'm pretty sure mayflies with thick, bright red bands in their abdomen are in short supply. :)
IMO: a Royal Wulff represents everything and nothing at the same time.

I'd try Prince Nymphs or black Wooly Buggers.Pretty universal patterns that fish will eat.Just drift them down and across.
Native brookies love the "Royal Wulff" aka "Strawberry Shortcake". It's my favorite pattern for them!