Middle Creek Wildlife Preserve


Sep 11, 2006
Hoping someone here can help me find fishing info on this body of water. It is controled by the Pa Game Comission, not by the PFBC, so regs are kinda "blurry". If my research is correct, one can fish the waters beginning at the dam to the "propogation line" (wherever that is) and only manually powered watercraft. Hope to take the kayak out there soon, but want to make sure I got an understanding of the rules. Thanks for the help.

peace-tony c.
Dear Tony,

I can't offer much in terms of knowledge pertaining to Middle Creek but I can tell you that Gameland's lakes have different rules than PA F&BC lakes.

For example, you don't need a life jacket on the Gamelands like you do on Fish and Boat Commission lake if you are float tubing or kayaking.

That's about all I got though.

Good luck!

Tim Murphy 🙂
I used to walk my dog at Middle Creek pretty often. Don't think I ever saw any kind of watercraft on the lake. Bank fishers here and there. Ice fishers in the winter. The propagation line was pretty well marked by signs and a wire I think. It happens to be the fishiest looking part of the lake where all the dead trees are coming out of the water. If you were standing at the dam looking at the lake it would be to your right. It doesn't seem to be a place that they really want to encourage fishing and prefer to keep it as a waterfowl refuge although the migratory birds have certainly moved out by summer. I'd be interested to know if you have any success there!
You may want to stop at the Middle Creek Visitors Center. It is located on the west side of Kleinfeltersville Road as you are traveling north through the project. I don't know exactly what their hours are, but I'm sure whoever is in there working would be able to help you with fishing regulations on the lake.
No motors are allowed on the lake, and also there are boundries where you can go on the lake. it is roped off or something. Had a canoe on there couple of times