Mentor day looked successful



Dec 27, 2018
Went out today in sweet arrow lake watershed with the little 2 year old guy. In contrast to other youth days I saw it being done right today by the adults. I think the two fish limit and adult zero limit curved some of the adult fishing I have seen in the past. Waters in creeks were fishable and they dumped a pile in the lake. We just watched at the lake and hit up the playground of course. Cool thing the little guy wanted to throw all his fish back in the water. Tight lines and courtesy in these upcoming weeks!
If what you saw in contrast to the past was because of the zero fish creel limit for the mentors and if it was consistent across the region, then that's a good sign. It was a change that was implemented as a direct result of angler input. Sometimes it takes a little tweaking of new programs to make them more acceptable once some initial results are seen.
Today was good lake day. Found these pics today of the Yellow Breeches Creek (blown) and aptly named Children's Lake (plenty of kids having fun).



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Tough conditions this morning. But the boys were having a great time regardless. Late morning we helped stock. And afterward got all the kids that helped into some fish. It was another winner.
Biked the appx 3.5 mi length of Coplay Ck's (Lehigh Co) stocked section late yesterday afternoon and saw perhaps five small groups of legal anglers. The stream had perfect clarity, not too clear and only slightly off color. People were catching fish.
I poked around a bit yesterday. As can be seen in Afish's pics, Children's Lake was packed. Although Breeches had gone over flood stage during from the recent storm, it was fishable by afternoon in the upper sections, but I saw no kids fishing there or any of the creeks in Adams Co., which were still high and muddy.

The lakes in Pine Grove F. SP had some kids on them but the conditions were blustery. Overall, it seemed to me that, at least in my neck of the woods, there were significantly fewer kids fishing than in past years on the youth day.
Without checking the stocking schedules more closely, I have been disappointed twice in the last few years fishing creeks (and a lake this year) that were not stocked before MY day. The Wissahickon in Montgomery County doesn't get fish until the Thursday before opening day, same with Loch Alsh Reservoir, both my closest spots for my son, even though Stony Creek and some other Montgo creeks get stocked. Seems a shame in such a populated region not to get the schedule more favorable in a county that sells a lot of licences.

My son is 11 and a wise-***: Uncoached (today at least) he said, it's more like Mentored Youth creeks, not Mentored Youth Day if they don't stock all the creeks before the day.

Odd too that the Huntsdale trucks hit the Wissahickon in Philly but not Montgo and not the Pennypack?
Those waters have been stocked the week before opening day for decades and two are only a 15 minute drive from the Philly section of the Wissahickon that is stocked for MYD.
Mike wrote:
Those waters have been stocked the week before opening day for decades and two are only a 15 minute drive from the Philly section of the Wissahickon that is stocked for MYD.

Not always true, Mike. We fished the Wissahickon in Montgomery County last year...
Nymph-wristed wrote:
Mike wrote:
Those waters have been stocked the week before opening day for decades and two are only a 15 minute drive from the Philly section of the Wissahickon that is stocked for MYD.

Not always true, Mike. We fished the Wissahickon in Montgomery County last year...

And 2017. The beauty of writing a blog is I don't have to remember :-D
A number of waters in SE Pa and elsewhere are specifically set up to be stocked the week prior to opening day for various logical reasons based on the history of the water with respect to chemistry, flow, untrustworthy water levels (lakes, canals), exceptional flooding problems, or high levels of poaching. There are enough of these waters that sometimes the hatchery system finds a need to shift a few to an earlier date. Additionally, sometimes conditions change such that the special instruction that has been in place for years is removed or modified.
Today was mentor-youth fishing day in western PA.

Saw a moderate crowd today with every kid-mentor catching a fish I observed.

The 12&15 year old did pretty well both used fly rods and caught lotsa fish- we walked 4 miles total with 80% of the fish coming in 2 bigger holes. They were very excited to head out today. It was warm with no rain today. The Loyalhanna showed many egg laying stones in the afternoon but I saw no risers. Water was low and clear for this time of the year.

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