Mc michael delay harvest



New member
Sep 8, 2020
I was their today to assist in the stocking. Their were plenty of volunteers. BUT the least amt of fish I have seen in the last 5 years. No keystone select fish no goldens

Last year was 20 nets. Today was 5 buckets in the same areas. The 2 buckets I took down river had maybe 14 fish in each. A mix of 9 in brooks and 10 in bows.

Hope that’s not a sign of things to come statewide
The number of buckets in any given spot is immaterial. How many buckets went to the entire DH? Likewise for last yr’s nets.

With the Covid restrictions on stocking help, particularly the yr before last, typical stocking points were being skipped on some streams and other more accessible points were getting many more fish than usual. Stocking point adjustments or the number of buckets or nets of fish stocked at any given stocking point alone did not mean that less fish were stocked in any of the past two yrs or this yr in stream sections where such adjustments were made due to time constraints or volunteer shortages. Additionally, sometimes stocking points are added resulting in less fish stocked per point in order to provide fish for the new stocking point. Habitat changes may also result in changes to the number of fish stocked at a given stocking point. The number stocked year to year per section, not per site, is the measure of program consistency.
I agree. Where can I find those numbers. I have not seen total fish numbers listed

To this section
I will saw the total delay harvest had 6 stocking locations or points last year

Tuesday they had 5. So stop 1 and 2 had 8 buckets. Not keystone select. No goldens

Spot 3 got 8 nets. A good amt of fish. Easy access but again. Didn’t see any keystone select fish. No goldens
Spot 4 and 5 are close. So was 5 buckets each. Saw one bow about 16 inches

Spot 6 was different from prior years due to construction but got 6 buckets

Again no keystone select or goldens

Water flow was high but gin clear colder than I expected due to warm air temps. I’m assuming snow melt chilled the water

I hope the goldens n older fish are placed their for the second In season stock

Was good to see a lot of help out to carry fish
I was there yesterday ( day after stocking). Seems like very few fish. Only a couple guys catching fish and most of them were spin fishing, and one ******* fishing bait. Only saw a couple fish, and that's with very clear water. Didn't scratch a fish in 4 hrs. Very disappointing.
Fan, I've been to 4 keystone waters in the past few weeks with McMichaels being one of them, and only one of them felt like a keystone select by definition. Well see what number 5 yields tomorrow. Will likely go back to higher effort higher reward natural repros after the consistencies ivev experienced this year. Only chance left is to see what the in season stockings bring.
I used to fish McMichaels every spring but haven't been there for around 5 years. I was never impressed with the hatches or stream structure. Since I usually fished it before opening trout day, there were typically a fair amount of anglers present also since it was DH. Lots of Jersey guys. Another Pocono DH I've never been impressed with is Tobyhanna Creek along Rt. 423.

Around 5-6 years ago, I kayaked McMichaels from Hickory Valley to confluence with Pocono in Stroudsburg. I floated in August and was very surprised how many trout I saw in the stream. Most trout I saw were in residential areas 1/2 way during the float if I recall correctly.