Mc Cullough!



Active member
Dec 30, 2009
Maybe my spelling is not right but my remember is "Perfect Clear". Night fly fisherman, Polyester suit and tie, traveled with a small crew of friends. Funny, a small crew that did the biggest clean up stream project in the state of Pa. Yes, boys, Babbs Creek! Heard of it, No, how about Wilson Creek too! Not yet! Draw a blank! Another one, a pillar or large diameter! Reverend Bruce Smay!

Oh, boy, Icon, smooth operator, Pa. Giant.

Check out the Babbs Creek Project! Landris Rd. Morris Pa.

I got to touch Bob, Shook his hand! That shake went direct north to a special part of my brain! You know, that part that remembers! The part i did not successfully kill!

These people supported the Fish Commission and everyone. Kind of for one and for all! I look forward to the new ICONS.

But these new ICONS must serve people not MAMON!

Here's an article about Bob McCollough, and the Babb Creek restoration.
Troutbert, thank you.
Tribute to a friend.
I knew Bob and worked with him on the PEDF board for a while during the last decade of his life. Despite his age, he was still a powerful force for the resource with what seemed to be energy to spare. It was a privilege to have known him.
Maxi and Troutbert,

Bob McCollough must've been quite a conservationist and quite a fly-fisherman. I am glad that Maxi brought his name up and that T/bert posted the link to the article about him. He was certainly a difference maker.

Around here, the late John I. Kennedy, for whom the Blair County TU Chapter was renamed, was also quite a difference maker, along with his "sidekick" the late Fred Sherlock. Kennedy and Sherlock did great work for stream preservation, stream rehabilitation, establishing streambank fencing, and for retaining stream access, esp. access to the Yellow Creek Fly-Fishing area. When I was an active TU member, they were the two men whose lead I tried to follow.

Anyhow, thanks Maxi for making us aware of Bob McCollough and to T/bert for posting the link about him. He is obviously a man who should be long remembered.
I remember Fred Sherlock, a fine gentleman I used to talk with along Yellow Creek back in the day. I had not heard that he had passed on.

Fred did a lot for Yellow Creek and its wild trout despite PAF&BC stocking on top of them, Donny Beaver and the rest of the trouble that pretty little stream faced.

RIP Fred, may they rise daily where you angle now!
That is a great article and tribute. Thanks!
There is a nice tribute to Mr. McCullough on a plaque at the Pine Creek access in Blackwell.
Birdog, thank you for the info! Blackwell, lifetime stories there. Need to go back and relive, my fondest memories. Maybe you are the turning point for me to, "Go Back", "To get back in", to be "Pure Once More". thank you.