Mayfly dichotomous key



Apr 8, 2012
Anyone have a good mayfly dichotomous key or any others the like?

here is one I found that worked well to Id the march brown (my avatar) I was given the name of a few days ago. Knowing what I was looking for is cheating but it helps develop confidence when searching blind. I used dicotomous keys like this in reverse order in may Botony classes. Dichotomous key

And a simple anatomy chart?

here is one


  • mayanat.jpg
    59.4 KB · Views: 47

I typically use this method, though not necessarily in this order. I have an excel file with all of the characteristics, and use the "sort" function extensively.

Generally, the characteristics I use first are:

1. Plain vs. mottled wing
2. Absent, small, or large hind wing.
3. Number of tails.

That gets me down to a workable half dozen or so genuses. Then decide between em by size, color, etc.
pcray1231 wrote:

I typically use this method, though not necessarily in this order. I have an excel file with all of the characteristics, and use the "sort" function extensively.

Generally, the characteristics I use first are:

1. Plain vs. mottled wing
2. Absent, small, or large hind wing.
3. Number of tails.

That gets me down to a workable half dozen or so genuses. Then decide between em by size, color, etc.

That link is great... Thanks!
Good stuff here guys, thanks!
Thanks for that link Pcray.
That key is from Roger Rohrbeck's website.
I seen some march browns toady along the Juniata in Huntingdon. Wasn't sure what they were until I seen pauly's photo. It looks exactly like it. Two tails, mottled wings, creamish colored body with dark rings, and the legs each one had 2 stripes on each leg.