Mauch Chunk Creek - Jim Thorpe



Nov 29, 2017
I thought I would pass on some information to those that want it. I was gonna post this in the reports sections but then its stockers. At any rate, I went down to Mauch Chunk today for my water therapy ( I am disabled and standing in water really helps my neck and back feel better).

Anyhow, to my delight I found out they had the fishing contest for kids yesterday and stocked 1000 trout many of them were still in there today. Lots of worm dunkers out there but plenty of fish and areas to get away from the crowd.

So, if you want to scratch the itch while we wait for other streams to come back down to fishing levels, give Mauch Chunk a try. You will be pleasantly surprised if you use a wooly bugger : )

The water was up a bit but you could still see clear enough to fish. I caught and released about 10 this morning and for those that chase golden rainbows, there are lots in there right now. I caught one but it got off before I could land it and saw about 6 others swimming around.

Tight Lines !!
I was there also this morning. Arrived at 5 am, only to find the catch and kill crowd already had the better holes surrounded. Some guys were fishing with head lamps shining right on the stream.
This is one of those streams where even thou its listed as Class A the PFBC continues to stock to maintain a historical stocking location. (near word for word quote from PFBC rep)

There is a section of that stream which holds a biomass of BT well above Class A threshold. That wild biomass drops substantially in the stocking section. If they were to stop stocking and put some sort of regs on that stream it would fish incredible year round.

There are a few other notable similar examples in Carbon Co.
I did catch a pretty wild brown at one of the waterfalls. Plan to hit up more of the stream once the monsoon season is over.
Out4Trout wrote:
I thought I would pass on some information to those that want it. I was gonna post this in the reports sections but then its stockers. At any rate, I went down to Mauch Chunk today for my water therapy ( I am disabled and standing in water really helps my neck and back feel better).

Anyhow, to my delight I found out they had the fishing contest for kids yesterday and stocked 1000 trout many of them were still in there today. Lots of worm dunkers out there but plenty of fish and areas to get away from the crowd.

So, if you want to scratch the itch while we wait for other streams to come back down to fishing levels, give Mauch Chunk a try. You will be pleasantly surprised if you use a wooly bugger : )

The water was up a bit but you could still see clear enough to fish. I caught and released about 10 this morning and for those that chase golden rainbows, there are lots in there right now. I caught one but it got off before I could land it and saw about 6 others swimming around.

Tight Lines !!

Sorry about your neck and back problems. I am not making light of your suffering, but it did remind me of a story that was kind of funny.

Awhile back I had a heel problem. After getting a shot, I had a podiatrist (who was also a fly angler) write up a prescription that for treatment I needed to go fishing. I think it said something like, I needed to treat is by standing in cold water, preferably flowing, while holding a rod for balance.

I showed it to my wife. She smiled and of course didn't buy it.

I should have kept it because it had no expiration.
Is White Bear Creek and Mauch Chunk Creek the same thing? I just started working in Carbon County and by the time I get home, it's too late for me to bother going out. But if I stop on the way home I can get an hour or two in before anyone realizes I'm missing. I've stopped a few places just off of 903 but I'm guessing they are up a bit right now.
On the maps, it’s called White Bear above the lake and Mauch Chunk below it. But yeah, it’s the same creek.
Are the wild fish above or below the lake? Is the area heavily posted?