


Well-known member
Jul 6, 2011
Malden, WV
We're visiting my wife's aunt in Dunkirk MD in early June. I know the Gunpowder, but its a bit of a drive from there. Anything close to Dunkirk as far as wild trout goes? I didn't know if MD had a sort of Class A list or anything like PA has.
That's probably going to be a bit far south for any wild trout water, as far as I know. Closest you're going to get to wild trout down there is speckled trout:) Not really an area I'm familiar with but I think you're more so looking at warmwater species, maybe some stripers.

Also, I don't know of any listings or documentation of wild trout waters other than the highly publicized like Gunpowder or Savage. Maybe someone can correct me on this, as I'd certainly be interested if there was such a list.
I don't mind driving a little bit. The Gunpowder is actually closer to me from my home than it would be from down there, and the Savage is about the same driving time (3.5 hours), so those 2 are off the list.

I'm alright w/ speckled trout if you mean brookies! I saw a few nature preserves in the area w/ a few small streams going through them. Didn't know if they would hold brookies or not.
sea trout----
.. google-lots of streams in camp David area but a lot of people also.Pretty water---
Beaver Creek near Hagerstown is a very good wild brown trout stream James at Beaver Creek Fly Shop is very helpful
That's what I'm talkin' about. Thanks Roger!

PS-Southerners better get yo' act together! Them boys down in the Southern Aps call brookies, "specks"
The_Sasquatch wrote:
Them boys down in the Southern Aps call brookies, "specks"

Not from the part of the South I come from son - in Texas, "specks" means spotted seatrout. :cool:

With respect to finding wild trout in MD - there are some creeks with mostly brown trout in central MD but for brookies, you really need to get at least on to South Mountain as Gfoledc mentioned upthread.
Send me a PM if you'd care to discuss. Good luck with your trip.
Good thread. I'm down in Springfield, VA (DC area) for work this weekend. Beaver Creek is half the distance than the Letort. Thanks.
Lived in Springfield VA back in 2010. Definitely dont miss that 495 Beltway traffic :)
I forgot all about beaver creek and those "camp david" streams, good call gfoledc and pete41. Both good streams with nice wild browns.
I should have known better than to refer to them as "speckled trout". How many times have I seen ST on this site and known it meant brookies.
Sasquatch, I've been searching for trout as close to DC as possible since I moved to Northern VA. I'm not the biggest fan of Beaver Creek, it gets too much pressure for my liking (in other words, the fish are too smart for me haha). But there are a few other options that might interest you and aren't quite as far as Beaver. Shoot me a PM if interested.

Another thing I noticed- Some Shenandoah National Park streams are only 2 hrs from Dunkirk, only 15 minutes farther drive than Beaver...

One more thing- TRAFFIC. Try to get to a stream at the wrong time of day and you'll need to add 30-60 minutes to how long you expected the drive to take.

EDIT sorry, thought of something else lol. From what I've read, there is exactly one brook trout stream south/east of I-95, and the population was nearly wiped out by road construction. If that watershed isn't totally closed off to fishing, it's probably a small, super-fragile population you'd be messing with. Point is though that the small streams in the nature preserves you mentioned are almost certainly not worth the effort. Just too low gradient in that area and what streams do have some gradient also have easily eroded soils.
Can't get the link in but Google Maryland Brook Trout Survey and you will get a PDF which on page 59 has all the natural reproducing streams in Md for any type not just brookies. I live in the Catoctins which is near the Camp David area and I love it. Not many people fishing if you know the right stream other than Big Hunting Creek