Maryland Fly Fishing & Collectible Tackle Show



Well-known member
Sep 13, 2006
Chester County
Anybody else going to this fine show in Towson this Saturday?

I’ll be going at some point. I live in Towson, so it’s very convenient. I went last year and it was a nice show. Not nearly the size of the other FF shows, but the smaller size allowed for conversations with the exhibitors/vendors.
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Thinking about it. Supposed to rain heavy all day, so it may be something to do.
I never did make it to the show.

Any updates? How was it overall?
Yo Echo - I enjoyed the show very much, and it looked like attendance and maybe sales were robust. Enthusiasts came from other states, like Vermont and even California. The amount of vintage gear was wonderful, and several makers were there too. We worked out a couple of ways to cast the smaller rods indoors, so we didn't have to wrangle with the rain which lasted most of the day. The vintage focus made for a good time, different that the huge shows at Edison.
It's by far my favorite show.

My hat is still not dry from the walk between the parking garage and the show, however :).
I wish I could have spent more time at the show, particularly the presentations and talking to some of the guides and flytying exhibitors. But I was there with my kids and I was mostly concerned with making sure they didn’t accidentally break any vintage bamboo rods!
Much thanks for the updates. Certainly appreciated.