Maryland fall trout with the new 3wt



New member
Dec 11, 2014
Recently bought a 3wt to use on the small streams here in Maryland. I got the chance to take it out this week and had a great time.

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The complete setup is a Redington CT 7'6'' 3wt, Lamson Guru 1.5, and Scientific Anglers Mastery DT 3wt line.

I started the week in Baltimore County, at Gunpowder.

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And worked my way west through the central part of the state.

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Stopped at a stocked stream along the way and had some fun.

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For the most part, I tried to look for streams that were new to me and I was rewarded.

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One last stop on the way home was well worth it.

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Saw your pictures on Reddit. Nice fish man.
some beauts there. i am 0 for 3 on the BGFR but its a nice creek.
All beautiful fish, that rainbow pic is probably my fav of the lot
pmelle wrote:
All beautiful fish, that rainbow pic is probably my fav of the lot

Thanks Pmelle, that picture of the rainbow is a favorite of mine too. I was surprised to see it turned out that well. The best looking stockie I have caught so far.

I fish the same rod with a ATS reel. Very fun small stream rod, can handle bigger fish than you'd expect and is very sensitive with a good backbone. Nice pics!
What is meant my "central part of the state" in Maryland? Thanks
BrooksAndHooks wrote:
I fish the same rod with a ATS reel. Very fun small stream rod, can handle bigger fish than you'd expect and is very sensitive with a good backbone. Nice pics!

I am very happy with the CT, it has been great so far. I'm really surprised by it's versatility for a 7'6'' 3wt. It's my first fairly decent rod so I don't have much to compare it to, but I am really pleased.

I looked at those ATS reels after seeing some pics of your CT a little while back. Almost went with one but I was able to get the lamson for $105. Probably not necessary for a small stream rod but its really nice.
MD_Gene wrote:
What is meant my "central part of the state" in Maryland? Thanks


These are from streams in Baltimore, Carroll and Frederick county.