Martin MC78



Active member
Apr 13, 2020
Just won one of these. Anyone have experience with them? It arrives next week.
Thinking That reloaded with the right amount of backing and 4dt line it will fit a 7.5’ 4wt I’m wrapping.
If memory serves me correctly that is a pretty big reel, at least for that application. I had one on a glass 6wt when I was a kid. I think I still have a smaller MC56 somewhere that is about the right size for a trout/panfish reel. As Martin's go, they're not bad. However, they are not as robust and sturdy as a Medalist nor have as effective of a drag.
PK, I think it is 3 1/16 did which should be a hair smaller than the Medalist 1494. I will be gifting it so it'll be his to clean and maintain. I wanted the whole presentation to be kind of vintage.
So you think the quality is okay? Martins are all and always were middle of the road in quality????
When I was 13 years old they were great because for their price they were an upgrade over crummy cast aluminum reels. Not so much once I could afford a few Battenkills.
I thought the MC78 was a batten kill model for a short time. Perhaps I'm thinking of a Cortland.
I doubt the MC 78 was rebadged. The 67N was by LL Bean. Medalists of US manufacture were by Orvis, though the name they gave it escapes me. A useful resource for user manuals for a variety of "classic" reels is the reel papers thread on the fiberglass board. You need not be a member to access it. Further, those folks live and breathe older fly reels. Their collective knowledge on these is without peer on the internet.
They kicked me off.
I still access their info regularly but their snooty staff and rules is too much. Learned a whole lot from the member Bulldog.
How the heck do you get kicked off a fly rod forum?
I asked the same. It had to do with repeating questions and switching subjects in a post. You know I am new and have, apparently, too much zeal for their purposes. Not being to brilliant with the English language and its constructs I pissed off the moderator. I asked for an example of how I had offended and he cancelled my account. Shame, he had allot of good ideas. I was learning.
Do me a favor and tell me to lighten up if I get on your nerves instead of censoring me.
I do recommend that site.
DGC wrote:
Medalists of US manufacture were by Orvis, though the name they gave it escapes me.

You've got it backwards. Pflueger made a slightly altered Medalist that was re-branded for Orvis for a period of time. The drag knob was changed to a different configuration and the spools were different color than the rest of the rest of the reel. They were the "Madison" models IIRC.
Baron wrote:
I asked the same. It had to do with repeating questions and switching subjects in a post. You know I am new and have, apparently, too much zeal for their purposes. Not being to brilliant with the English language and its constructs I pissed off the moderator. I asked for an example of how I had offended and he cancelled my account. Shame, he had allot of good ideas. I was learning.
Do me a favor and tell me to lighten up if I get on your nerves instead of censoring me.
I do recommend that site.

Fortunately the moderators and members on this site are open to sharing information and answering most all members questions provided they are reasonable and fit within a some pretty easy to follow guidelines.
Me thinks you’re “safe” here!
coyoterahn wrote:
Baron wrote:
I asked the same. It had to do with repeating questions and switching subjects in a post. You know I am new and have, apparently, too much zeal for their purposes. Not being to brilliant with the English language and its constructs I pissed off the moderator. I asked for an example of how I had offended and he cancelled my account. Shame, he had allot of good ideas. I was learning.
Do me a favor and tell me to lighten up if I get on your nerves instead of censoring me.
I do recommend that site.

Fortunately the moderators and members on this site are open to sharing information and answering most all members questions provided they are reasonable and fit within a some pretty easy to follow guidelines.
Me thinks you’re “safe” here!

Yeah ^

Just about everyone on here is willing to share info and answer questions about any FFing or tying question. In fact it's great to see so many newcomer newbies register lately and participate on PAFF. Most of the long-timers on here realize beginners may have questions and/or ideas that may be difficult to answer or understand, but are glad to help out or at least give it a try.
They have their rules and goals for their site and as mad as I am at them they do produce an excellent product... I use it allot. I’m having a tremendous amount of fun and am learning in leaps and bounds. Sure am glad people here were patient with me. It’ll be slowing down I guess as I become more experienced and comfortable.
Fished today and did very poorly with flies. Switched to worms and boated 10 perch, 1 bluegill.
On a WB my colleague caught a 13” lmb.

I have spent allot of Time inviting folks to visit this site and I hope some join.
Baron. I am Very sorry to hear you were booted from the FFR. Like you, I have learned a lot about reels from reading their forum. As stated by Pennkev, Pflueger made a modified Medalist for Orvis, which they called the Madison. I believe that occurred in the 1960s. Martin made a version of their 67SSA for Orvis, which Orvis called the Green Mountain (early 80s).
Thanks for the kind words as I was pretty dis-appointed when confronted on FF. I don't write well and it was apparently not a good fit for them. I still use them for research.
Learning is hard for me unless the product is tangible. Since the medalists were recommended to me by Bulldog, Bam and many others I've purchased 10 of them, all used on Ebay, and haven't been did-appointed. After completely disassembly and cleaning they all click like new.
The Orvis tagged reels are the ones I'd very much like to have someday. Madison and 67ssa. I will remember that.
Received the Martin Classic MC78 today. Very nice older reel. Smooth.
Yeah the Martin Classic series seems like one of the most under valued reels of all time. I don’t own one, so I’m glad to hear your favorable report. Others have said the same.
I was surprised figuring it would be more like the tin can models. It’s drag is very simple and appropriate for 2-5 lb fish.