Marcellus wells in Kettle Creek Watershed?



Well-known member
Nov 2, 2006
Does anyone know if there are any wells in the Kettle Creek watershed? And if so, where are they?
all over the area. along with all the other watersheds.
You better believe there are.
Based on that map, the only place in the Kettle drainage where there's any activity is in the extreme headwaters, south of Galeton, near the divide with the Pine Creek drainage. Of ones that have been drilled, 2 for sure. Mountaintop just NE of Germania, and headwaters of Sliders Branch. There's a 3rd just NE of the Sliders Branch well that appears to be right on the divide.

That said, there's several more permits in that same area (example, permit on hill between Straight Run and Germania Branch, nother permit on Slider's Branch, and one on the hill between upper Kettle and Big Spring Brook). So more are comin.
Welcome to the invasion. Now who will lead the resistance?