Mandatory Fishing Restrictions in Yellowstone



Well-known member
Oct 2, 2006
SW PA, Greensburg
Not PA, but of general interest.

Press Release

Its pretty bad out there...
That bad news for anyone heading out that way. The writing has been on the wall with an hot dry spring and summer thus far. Hope they get some rain.
wow that sucks! but look at this way. they are managing the fisheries to protect the fish. i raise my beer to that!
As much as I hate to see the need for restrictions like this, I too applaud the management of the resources. Adopting similar self restrictions here might be a good way to help preserve some fish here in PA as well.
Wow! This is really going to be a problem for my father-in-law. He planned his honeymoon over the next three weeks around fishing in Yellowstone. Ohh well, he is still going to get to fish some great rivers in New Mexico and Colorado.

Great news for the fish. Its just amazing that snow-pack fed Western streams are maxing out at such high temps. Not completely surprising considering how hot it has been out there lately, daily temps on my Idaho trip were on average 100-105. Also, aside from the lack of rain they had a poor snow-pack in some areas this year.
Prohibiting fishing between 2 pm and 5pm is a no-brainer. Protect the fish at no cost to the general public. Too bad all management decisions aren't so simple. If they were everyone could understand them.
is it possible that management decisions of fisheries are this simple, we just complicate things? :roll:

Thats 5 AM. Basically you can't fish after 2PM till the next morning.

There are plenty of smaller (cooler) waters in Yellowstone to fish, so I guess this isn't a complete hardship.