Manada Creek DHALO



Nov 26, 2014
Lebanon, PA
Anyone know about changes at the upper end of the DHALO at McLean Rd? I went to see if it was fishable yesterday (it wasn't - frozen over at all slow moving water) and saw new yellow NO TRESPASSING signs on the trees between 443 and the stream. Only saw one of the fish commission special regulation area signs; looks like the rest were all taken down. I fished there beginning of December and didn't notice the new yellow ones. Landowner(s) just have a change of attitude or what?
Thanks for any info you may have.
If you're on Facebook you could post the question on the Doc Fritchey FB page:

And who will I reach at this number?

the secretary of the Doc Fritchey Chapter of TU is contacting WCO Mark Schweppenheiser and I will post information when received.
Hopefully the PFBC will shed some light on this development and hope that whomever hears from them will post an update here.

I think in principal stream access in PA can be very vague by comparison to some other states. A couple scenarios I can think of are where:

1) streams on private property are not posted at all, but are actually private and inaccessible. I found out the hard way a couple of years ago when I got booted from a stream by a landowner in the Poconos where not 1, yes, not 1, No Trespassing sign was posted anywhere.

2) A stream is designated in the PFBC's license booklet as approved trout water or delayed harvest or some other designation and you go the stream only to find postings (your case).

3) A stream or stream section is posted in alternating years (One year it's posted, the next it's not and so on). I have seen that a few times in a few places.

Top that off with the fact that PFBC county map is inaccurate and let scratching your head. It'd be great if there was a dependable, accurate and digestible list somewhere that one could quickly reference before heading out.
