Mammal ID



May 11, 2007
While fly fishing Chambers Lake in Southeast PA I had a fairly large, brown creature swim very close to me. I assumed it was a beaver as it was in that general size range and swimming in a similar manner. It was way too big to be a muskrat or mink. Anyway it spooked and dove suddenly revealing a furry, pointed tail. So maybe a river otter? I did see a very similar animal on the Tully once.
Muskrat? and I thought Hibernia Park was completely closed!?
If not I would love to get out on my kayak.
I'd go with a mink, I've had one suprise me in the park a few years back. We are probably to far south for fishers.
I used to trap muskrat; it was too large and didn't have a whip tail. Also way bigger than a mink. The park is closed however the Lake remains open for fishing, and is more crowded than ever. The panfish bite is really sporadic in large part due to the weather.
Had the same thing happen to me. Swore it was an otter but it's a Fisher cat. I would guess.
I've seen a fisher before, but it was not in the water. Then again, it wasn't a heavily forested area like they are supposed to be fond of either.

Of the aquatic mammals, I have seen muskrat, mink, and beaver up close numerous times. I would think they would be easy to identify for the average outdoors person. But, if visibility is poor and you only see a flash of fur, yes, identification could be tough.
Anyones guess without being there.
Ill say this those kinds of encounters can be very invigorating.
Also scary, beavers can be very agressive.

Anyways neat story.
I’d go with fisher. Just saw one cross route 30 from Loyalhanna creek a few weeks back. Lotsa woods around Ligonier but not necessarily deep woods.



afishinado wrote:
Fly-Swatter wrote:

Regardless of the name, "fishers" are deep woods animals and not lake dwelling creatures.

That's true. Fishers are not aquatic animals.
I see, maybe it was beaver Soaring on coffee.
Van - I'd assume it was a beaver. I've seen them in the upper end, away from the dam.
Thanks for the tip about the lake being open....not surprised it's crowded. I brain farted when I said Muskrat right after you said you were sure it wasn't one.

I have not been out to fish at all mostly due to need for yard work to get done when there is time and not raining.
Let's take this from the top.
I was raised on a farm, trapped muskrats and have seen minks; rule them out. The visibility was fine and I was close enough see it's face and nose and assumed it was a beaver since it was swimming like one, with only a small portion of it's head and nose exposed. When it dove the tail was fairly short and furry; that ruled out beaver. I have never seen a fisher this far south and would be surprised if one spent that much time cruising around. Looking at the picture someone provide here I'd say it's tail was a bit shorter as well.
Fisher Beaver hybrid.
ManBearPig is real!
We have these nutria creatures down here in Maryland. Possibly they've invaded Pennsylvania. Look like half rat, half beaver, half walrus.
Van_Cleaver wrote:
Let's take this from the top.
I was raised on a farm, trapped muskrats and have seen minks; rule them out. The visibility was fine and I was close enough see it's face and nose and assumed it was a beaver since it was swimming like one, with only a small portion of it's head and nose exposed. When it dove the tail was fairly short and furry; that ruled out beaver. I have never seen a fisher this far south and would be surprised if one spent that much time cruising around. Looking at the picture someone provide here I'd say it's tail was a bit shorter as well.

You just described a groundhog.
Quite unlikely but not impossible, and I'd believe that before a fisher in this neck of the woods.
Mountain Lion....Defiantly a Mt. Lion.