Maine/New Hampshire Trip



Active member
Jun 25, 2012
My wife and I just got back from a two week trip through Maine and New Hampshire. It had been about a decade since I had worked up in Baxter State Park and I was really excited to get back up there. My goal for the trip, other than to spend some quality time with the wife and dog and to see some of my old stomping grounds, was to catch some landlock salmon and nice brookies.

The first few days were pretty overcast and rainy. We started camping on the coast and then headed up north to the West Branch of the Penobscot. It's big water and in the middle of nowhere. The Golden Road is the only way to reach it and if you get there without a flat tire or getting run down by a logging truck, you can count yourself lucky. The washboarding got so bad that, at one point, the door to our camper flew open from the rattling. It's great country.


Those are some class 5 rapids.

It finally cleared up a bit the first evening so I headed out to the water. I started fishing at the top of a big eddy where some rapids were coming in since it was right out of our campsite. I hadn't been there for more than 10 minutes when an old timer came out about 20 feet below me and started throwing a big spoon. I quickly got into some brookies. A few dinks and a few nice ones.


With each fish I'd release, Richard the old timer would just kinda grunt and give me a nod. Eventually I got into some landlocks. They are ferocious fish. Even the small ones put up a great fight. Flying, leaping, running up and down the river. It's a blast. I was stunned the first time one jumped 4 feet out of the water as I fought him. I got into one that I fought for what seemed to be minutes (it wasn't). He kept diving down, into the fast rapids. I could hear Richard stop fishing to watch me land this one. As I finally got the fish to the net, I suddenly hear Richard scream "Watch out for the Eagle!!!!". And just like that there was a quite large Bald Eagle swooping down within inches of my face, talons out, trying to poach the salmon out of my net. Luckily, he missed and flew down, across the eddy and stayed perched up in a big pine, staring down at us for the rest of the evening. Those were the first words from Richard. All it took was a Bald Eagle to break the ice. After that, we shot the #censor# and shared stories. It was a great first evening on the river.


We stayed a couple more days. In between sporadic rainstorms I got out and fished a lot of water and got into some really beautiful fish.




Nesowadnehunk falls with Katahdin in the distance.

I love the woods of Maine. Their deep, dark, green, and full of cedar. The soft fir and pine ground is a great path to do your exploring. It's hard to leave them.


We slowly and methodically made our way to the Greenville area along the Golden Road. It took us 2 hours to go about 38 miles. You're in the middle of nowhere so a flat tire or car trouble could mean a lot of trouble. It's a great drive, though terribly rutted and rough.


After Greenville (we stayed at Lily Bay State Park for a few days), we headed down to the Rangeley Area. We only had two days there, but I can't way to go back. I spent one morning on the Magalloway. It was awesome. I got there wicked early which turned out to be great because it was pretty packed by the time I walked out around lunch.


The fishing was slow until I took barbless' advice and threw on a bugger with a nymph tailing it. I immediately picked up a few small brookies along the bank. I worked my way down to a beautiful rapid that led into a nice eddy and landed my first 14 inch brookie. I also picked up a few salmon. Due to the time, I decided to nymph it and head back upstream. I ended up landing 4 more brookies in the 13-14 inch range, and one between 15-16 inches.I unfortunately didn't get a photo of the largest (he slipped out of the net before I could snap a photo). Those brookies are interesting fighters. They are really slow at first, but once they get moving, they'll take you for runs up and down the river. They don't jump out of the water like the salmon, but they are intense fighters nonetheless.





We finished our trip with a few days in the White Mountains. I fished a few streams and got into some nice wild rainbows and brookies. A great way to end our trip.




Here's our home away from home:


Big thanks to Afishn and barbless for the pointers! I owe you guys some beer.
Wow. Looks like an absolutely tremendous trip. Beautiful landscapes, and fish. Congratulations on getting to experience that.
Nice fish thanks for sharing. Take me next time!
Will do Hopback!
Great report and excellent photos! Sounds like a terrific time up there. That bit with the eagle must have been a thrill!

By the way...judging from your stated location (Honky Tonk Lagoon), you must have been listening to some good tunes as you traveled that fair north country.
Thanks guys! Beefheart....glad you get the reference.
wonderful report - i had two great trips to the Magalloway. it looks like those penobscot fish were pretty handsome too.

I love the landlocks, they are like rainbows on steroids and you often catch them in very fast water like the tailouts of rocky pools.

thank you for taking me back there - i miss it.


Raftman...glad you had a nice trip.Thanks for the report and wonderful pictures. Picture #9 looks like the "Bathtub".Almost looks like you had a drone for that shot:)

I will be up in the Rangeley Area form August 1 through the 9th...a vg fishing bud just bought a great camp on the Dead I will be fishing there and some other great streams in the area.Will also spend a day on Lake Umbagog fishing for SM.......tooo much water and so little time....
Thanks for reading guys! Have fun up in Rangeley Afishn. Geebee... great way to describe the salmon... they are awesome fish to land.
My buddy has a camp at Beaver Cove just down the road from Lily Bay. I love that whole area of Maine from Greenville to Baxter. There's big fish in the WB, I like the Roach for the number of fish, and the 2 outlets of the Big Lake. It's all great Fishing.
Magalloway River is on my list.
Looks like a helluva trip raft man, I think you've inspired me to plan a big trip.
I have plenty of experience with the Golden Road. My wife and I (and at one time our 4 kids) spend a couple of weeks in ME every year.

This year we went to Lobster Lake... The only way in is to paddle from the West Branch of the Penobscot on Lobster Stream for two miles, or fly in. We camped a couple of nights and it was amazing.

Here is a picture of Big Spencer from our campsite (we were the only ones there, a 3300 acre lake). You probably could see Big Spencer from where you were traveling. I fished some, and had some luck, but that was not our primary goal.

We have also camped at Nesowdnahunk in Baxter.

I love Maine. It is my Avalon. Thanx for your pictures, I wish so much that we were there now.
Looks nice.
DocPow... I too love Maine and would love to live there. I've lived all over the lower 48, hiking, working, fishing, and camping and Maine is the wildest place out of them all.
Thanks for sharing the great story and beautiful pictures.

I lived in SE NH for a couple of years and unfortunately it was a time when I was away from fishing. However, I spent a lot of time hiking, exploring, etc and loved the area. A trip through New England is on the bucket list for my wife and I and once I show her these pictures, it will get moved higher up on the list..
@raftman.. What is sooo great about Maine... is that it has everything. Yes, if fly fishing for trout is all you want to do, there are endless streams and rivers and ponds... Hike insane mountains, yep... Paddle remote waters and maybe not see anyone else for days, yep... Want to take a trip to the coast, maybe Acadia NP, that too. I have not hunted there, but I know many that have and they return fall after fall. Skiing in the Rangely area is pretty good too. (XC or Alpine). Though I am not keen on snowmobiles, the Moosehead Region is world class.

I like the attitude in Maine... live and let live.

If anyone wants the name of a great fly fishing guide in the Kingfield-West Forks-Grand Falls... Kennebec and Dead River... area, let me know by PM.

I could easily live there, but, retirement is still a few years away, and making a living there is a struggle.
I'm heading up to the Rangeley area of Maine on August 1st for 9 days.A friend just bought a camp there that came with a canoe,and two boats on trailers.I'm going to fish the Lower and Upper Dams primarily with streamers(not my favorite kind of ff)

I'll post up when I return,but don't expect anything like raftman's super write up n post.I don't write well and rarely take photos.
AFISHIN... Is that on Richardson and Mooselookmeguntic? Seriously good fishing there!