Magnetic Net Release location



Nov 10, 2012
Looking for input about how you mount your mag release on your net: Do you mount your magnet on the handle end or bow end? Advantages? disadvantages?
Handle has to be free to grab. One hand is already busy, if I need a net.
Hang from the bow. Much easier to grab the handle that is hanging downward.
Bow end for me for the same reasons stated above.
One more for bow end
Concensus seems to be bow mounting and that makes sense. My only thought about that is: tangling with the lanyard which WILL be mounted to the handle end. Most mag releases I've seen are shown mounted to the handle end.
I'm suprised no one gave me the old "try it both ways and see which seems better to you....there's no RIGHT way...".
I appreciate the input.
semperfish wrote:
I'm suprised no one gave me the old "try it both ways and see which seems better to you....there's no RIGHT way...".

Well, then, I'll give it to you. Try it both ways.

I mount the connection on the handle, have no problem getting when I need it, and most importantly, I find it easier to put back in place after netting a fish. (The latter is the hardest part of using a mag-release, IMO.)

As far as accessing when you need it, it's a question of do you prefer reaching over your shoulder or around your back? If you're old enough to have back problems (I am and I do) one might be less painful than the other.
I prefer hanging the net from the bow end since it’s more my preference to grab the handle behind my back instead of the over the shoulder technique. Also, it keeps the net material higher up and anyway from more snags while walking through the brush.
Bow end.

1. It's easier to reach around your waist to grab the downward hanging handle.

2. Some lanyards for nets are short and having the handle down maximizes the available length

3. I ain't as flexible as I used to be.
I seem to be the only one who hangs it from the handle end. I did it that way because my net has a hook on that end, and I've never had any trouble grabbing it that way. Haha I guess it doesn't matter because I can almost touch my ear behind my back.

I'll have to try it the other way and see if I notice a difference.
I hang it from the handle end when I wear a vest. I've never had a problem grabbing it that way. The bag of the net rests above the top of my waders when hanging from the bow and gets my back wet sometimes. I have been putting the net in the belt of my waist pack with the bow up lately and it's been fine that way. It sits lower when in the belt so that the bow is below the top of my waders and does not get my back wet.
Mine is on the handle as well. You guys that use the bow end, don;t you find that the magnet gets all schmutzed up with sediment. Many of these particles are magnetic minerals.
I have been hanging my nets from the bow end for at least 10 years now. Yes there is some "iron" attracted to the magnet but easy to remove.
I hang mine from the handle end - mainly because most nets come with the eyelet there.
And really haven't had any problems releasing the net from the magnet by grabbing the bow end
I mount the magnet on the Side of the net, slightly toward the bow end for two reasons. First because the net hangs on the diagonal so the whole net stays up out of the water when I'm wading. Second reason is the handle can be positioned toward my left kidney for easy access. See my avatar for magnet location.