made my day



Well-known member
Sep 10, 2006
I had a smile put on my face this evening. I've been spending too much time at work recently. Heck, I've been working into the wee hours trying to complete a project. Sometimes I think fishing is a dream. Anyway, I knocked off early this evening. I was walking home from the bus stop and happened to glance into my back yard. I freaked out for a brief moment as I saw my two year old swinging my favorite rod around over my Koi pond.

However, he caught my eye and smiled and said " Look daddy, I'm fishing. " He had a great big grin on his face.

Great night, call me a softy. Last time I leave my rod rigged and leaning against the wall. I'm going to get him his own.
It is hard to resist rising Koi-- can you blame him? I have a six-foot bamboo banty rod I rarely use that might be perfect for him.